A good friend of mine died last night riding his motorcycle. We still can’t beleive it. He was at my house a couple days ago…and now hes gone.
Please ride SAFE
RIP bobby
5/9/78 - 8/9/08
> [B][SIZE=3]Buffalo man dies in motorcycle accident
> Updated: Aug 9, 2008 05:30 PM EDT
> CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. (WIVB) - A Buffalo man is dead after being thrown from his bike and run-over. Now, police are asking for your help. Authorities are still investigating the cause of the accident.
> At this time, officials are asking drivers who may have witnessed the crash to contact State Police.
> On a cool summer day, you see more motorcyclists on the roads. These thrilling rides are at times dangerous.
> "Our preliminary reconstruction findings show he may have been struck by one or two vehicles as he was laying in the road way, said Capt. Mike Nigrelli from N.Y.S. Police.
> At approximately 4:20 Saturday morning, N.Y.S. Police said Buffalo resident Roberto Rosado of 15 Street died after being thrown from his 2008 Honda.
> Rosado, who was wearing a helmet, was traveling northbound on the 190 near the Elm Street exit.
> Nigrelli continues, "We do know the subject had been consuming alcohol before the accident. Our investigation is pursuing that angle. We also know he was traveling in concert with a companion who was subsequently arrested for DWI. This subject was driving a motor vehicle."
> The subject driving the car was 37-year-old Jesus Martinez-Perez of Rhode Island Street in Buffalo.
> Nigrelli from State Police said it's unclear of his involvement in the accident. "We're not sure at this time why or how he lost control of his motorcycle."
> Authorities said Rosado registered the vehicle in April. His experience is in question; it's experience, coupled with safe driving skills that can prevent tragedies said owner of Freewheeling Cycle Cal Gardner. "Safety, safety's our big issue we want safe riding gear, jackets, helmets, gloves you know, just in case something happens."
> Keith MacKendrick has been riding his motorcycle for 14 years. In his opinion, many fatalities can be avoided. "It's always sad, but it goes back to a lot of carelessness."
> Nigrelli continues, "A lot of times I cringe when motorists get to close to a motorcycle. A motorcyclist, if he loses control of that vehicle he has very few places to go and none of the options are good."
> State Police are asking for anyone who may have witnessed the accident to give them a call at 836-0240.
There he is
THere he is in the banshee with Shaun (jdmsir) and his cousin Danny
Just got back from family house. We still cant beleive this happened.
His mom and pops are on their way from PR. They are not doing well either. The last time they saw him was 5 years ago
We tried going to hospital to see if they let us see him but nothing. They dont want anyone to see him.