wales bike crash

Christopher J. Marchewka, 29, was riding his motorcycle near Big Tree and Woodchuck Roads with his passenger, 29-year-old Maureen A. O’Grady. Marchewka lost control of the bike and hit the guard rail.

Anyone know if they were NYSpeeders?

Be safe out there kids.

Saw the Sheriff stop out to a house in Alden earlier this morning that usually has quite a few bikers. In this case I’m hoping it was a warrant rather than …bad news.

Be Safe!

Just found out it was the guy across the street from my fiancee. :frowning:

Wonder what caused it? Speed, alcohol or…

there’s ALWAYS stone on woodchuck road. People gotta slow the eff down.

Hmm, sad.

Two more? Jesus Christ did they not learn anything from what happened not even a week ago? RIP though. Just sad to see it happen again so soon.

Were the circumstances even related? Unless you’re referring to the lesson of “don’t die when you crash”, then yeah I guess they didn’t learn anything.

You’re right, no evidence yet of them doing anything irresponsible. Just don’t wanna hear/see this stuff anymore.

Unfortunately, it happens every season. It’s an inherently dangerous and risky activity.

Why does it say CRIME SCENE on the wgrz website?

I swear, I’ve lost faith in local news after this past week. Bunch of fucking morons.

i’ve noticed that bike accidents always happen at the beginning of the summer each year. maybe bikers forgot how to ride them from the long winter break.

Not that they forget to ride them, I think much of the issue is that they are overly anxious to get out, forget to self-check, ride within limits, etc.

also tons of road debris this time of year

sad to hear

RIP and my prayers go out to the friends and families. Everyone be safe out there.

Apparently Chris was a Iraqi war hero for saving his troop from a suicide bomber (source:buffalo news comment).

can we stop making threads about motorcycle crashes, god its so fucking old and annoying

i posted it cause i was curious if either were on here.


I am not against them. It sometimes provides you as a little reminder that this could be anyone of us in these articles. After the one Tuesday, I definitely have a little more hesitation to my riding.