I’m well aware of the physics making it seem impossible, but I’m also aware that the trifecta of evil (politifact, facebook and the government) all saying it’s fake makes me wonder if it’s real.
Can we call this thread Biden’s Mass shootings 2022 and include the elimentary school just shoot up in texas. Poor kids, my thoughts and prayers go out to them.
Pretty sad, that we need a most recent mass shooting thread.
The only proposed solutions I foresee in the future is Chinese level red flag laws and mandatory confiscation if anyone on your street makes a social media post with a threat of suicide or upcoming mass murder.
I was fooled by the dress pics.
Sounds like it’s time for a chart of mass shooting timelines with respect to major election cycles and law suits if shooters are in therapy and/or on anti-depressants.
Maybe even retract 10 billion dollars from Ukraine and provide free mental health care to the population.
I actually just brought this up to my wife this morning. Not trying to be some conspiracy person here but how come we go years without a shooting then when the midterm election is around the corner, we now have 3 shooting in the news in less than what… 2-3 weeks?
It’s as if all the stuff we’ve gone through with Democrats the past 2 yrs means nothing now and that it put a massive blanket over the way things have been handled by that side. Protests/riots, covid lockdowns, covid vaccines, and a lot of other shit they’ve messed up. First abortion is in your face after all of that, now guns again. It’s like the timing couldn’t have happen at a better time for them. It’s pretty fucked up honest. Again, not saying they are linked in any way but man is it amazing how it worked out.
What other mainstream Democrat policies are left now that censorship, abortion, firearms are out?
I think we are getting slammed with every single issue as fast as possible, because Biden is so incompetent. They can’t get a break and have to release the next monster.
We are literally running out of space on the ‘Cabin in the Woods’ whiteboard.
I bet there is a major wildfire in June.
Right, I wasn’t a huge Trump fan, some of his policies were less then on point…but everything was mostly fine. Also no obviously money laundering to your son’s favorite country. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden/Clinton/Obama asked Russia to invade Ukraine so the US would be forced to ‘help’ sending tons of money for them and their cronies to launder.
kiddos, rest assured, the vax kills more kids every day than mass shootings ever will. And there are more mass-casualty events elsewhere in the world that never hit the news cycle because you cannot use them to disarm americans and usher in communism in the way that they’ve done successfully elsewhere (see Australia et al).
there is no legitimacy to the manufactured narrative. they are simply engineering whatever consent is convenient for them.
I had a good discussion with a few of my graduating seniors, they brought up a good suggestion that I hadn’t thought of: requiring mandatory firearm training (let’s say 10hrs) with a certified firearm instructor after purchase but before being able to bring the firearm home. This could be waived after first purchase of the firearm type (handgun, shotgun, bolt action rifle, semi-auto rifle, etc), so after your first handgun purchase you would be able to purchase more without having to do the mandatory training hours for it. Also like we have a drivers license and testing requirement for each vehicle classification. This could all be under a federal firearms license.
That way you could theoretically have a “professional” that could act as a filter for individuals who are not capable of operating the firearm in a safe manner or whom show any signs of mental illness.
I’m not 100% sure I think it’s a GREAT idea, but I was very interested that my students talked about it positively, instead of just being like “BAN ALL GUNS WAHHHH” like most liberals are saying right now.
i can say that i got a great deal of value out of the 2 day course we are required to attend in Canada before getting a firearms license.
i’m someone who didnt grow up around firearms at all. getting hands on experience with a few proper instructors was very informative for me. In particular, i was able to determine that i do not in fact need a desert eagle…lol. In fact, even .45 pistols are a bit too much for me. .22 and 9mm are fine.
My thoughts, on our laws up here anyways, is that we should actually open up the prohibited firearms category but require annual certification to maintain that level of license. this way only people committed to the cause will do it and the govt can have thier licensing process.
in general, we certainly do need to restrict some people from having such easy access to firearms. however, on the other hand we probably need more people who have demonstrated general competence to have and keep firearms.
we have trade licensing up here for mechanics, electricians etc… i’d suggest that these licenses should come with an implied firearms license. Anyone who demonstrates competence should/could also be burdened with the responsibility to defend and uphold as well.
Adding to this, now that I’m thinking about it more…this would probably promote further training and proficiency with firearms by people who normally wouldn’t seek it.
Does anyone believe this kid wouldn’t have just taken the class, passed, and still got the guns? We might have delayed this a couple weeks but if this is what he wanted to do he was still going to do it. Anders Breivik in Norway jumped through all the hoops you’re talking about and still carried out the #4 mass shooting in the world, topping the body count of any committed in the US.
That’s a valid argument for sure. Idk to be honest. But if we’re trying to address mental health related to firearms, isn’t some sort of coffee filter better than no coffee filter?