Buffalo News trying to publish pistol permit holders

Heard on WBEN this morning the Buffalo News filed an FIA request asking the county clerk for the names and addresses of EVERY pistol permit holder in Erie County.


I don’t understand what purpose this serves

New-aged scarlet letter of sorts.

Fuck the Buffalo News, they suck anyways.


So who call/email/write to complain to in order to stop them from complying with this request?

Im sorry why is this a problem?

If I had a pistol permit I wouldn’t want my whack-job anti-gun neighbor knowing.

Because it’s a map for criminals who want to steal a gun.

If you applied for a pistol permit they would probably be calling your neighbor anyway…

Well you know he won’t shoot you…

I’m working on this right now. I will post who when I know or if anyone knows please post now.

I get the thought here (and not necessarily disagreeing), but the same argument could be made for the other side. It’s a map for criminals to know which houses are armed and shouldn’t probably be messed with. If criminals were that interested in this information, you realize they could request it themselves…

Name (Title/Position) Email
Connelly, Mike (Editor) editor@buffnews.com
Connolly, Brian (Managing editor) bconnolly@buffnews.com
Evans, Stan (Deputy Managing Editor) sevans@buffnews.com
Kenny, Margaret (Assistant Managing Editor) mkenny@buffnews.com
Neville, John (Editorial Page Editor) jneville@buffnews.com
Chiaramonte, Vince (Design Director) vchiaramonte@buffnews.com

Email the editor!!

It’s not even about criminals or any other reason. Why would this information be relevant or needed by the general public. If these people are registered and licensed gun owners…what’s the crime? If they commit a crime…then it becomes the job of police officers. Publishing the names of people with STDs seems to make more sense than this.

With how hard it is to get a pistol permit in Erie county this information does nothing besides help criminals.

I realize in other counties they hand them out in a few weeks but Erie is an entirely different beast.

Another aspect of this is it publishes the home addresses of law enforcement officers and corrections officers.

It’s an invasion of privacy that serves no purpose other than to get some attention to the Buffalo News by creating controversy. The Buffalo News should be ashamed of themselves for the 4687498465198th time. That organization sucks.

How about after they publish the gun owners we get a list of all the BN employees addresses and personal emails.

Buffalo News Editor, Michael Connelly:


Before someone posts the home address and phone to the Michael Connelly on Treehaven Rd I don’t think that’s the same guy. Property records for that M.Connelly go back to 2006 and this guy just got hired away from a Sarasota, NY newspaper in 2012.

There are no recent properly transactions in Erie County for Michael Connelly so chances are he’s currently renting.

there are no words to explain how infuriating this is to hear. are there really this many compeletly retarded individuals in the state of NY? sure, lets first make a bunch of guns and associated items illegal, then publish a list of the people that already have guns so the people who are fucked in the head or have a criminal record that want a gun can have a list of places to shop for free guns. fucking seriously???

reading all of the shit that’s been going on makes ME want to go on a rampage! WTF!? I don’t even care for/have/shoot guns for science sakes!

Newman said a much nicer version of what I had typed out to this

I also typed out several sarcastically logical responses to this but I think ive made it clear where I stand on the gun talk as of late. I will say though how hilarious it is to watch you gun nuts get butt hurt about every single hint of a change. If some of you actually believe in half of the crazy things you say on here, and those are reflective of what youre like IRL, im almost greatful for more regulatuion.

With that said, I think itd be nice to know which of my whackjob neighbors own a gun and witch ones I can tell to go f themselves when their dog shits on my lawn.