Downstate paper publishes names/addresses of pistol permit holders

I’m sure many have heard about this.
Journal News published an online article with the names and addresses of all pistol permit holders in a few counties downstate, including Rockland. They also had a Google Maps screenshot where each red dot was the home of a pistol permit holder.

Since they’ve done this, they have had to hire armed guards for their building.


Ex-burglars say that the newspaper’s gun map would’ve made their job easier and safer (so they wouldn’t break into homes that had a pistol permit holder living there).

And this takes the cake:

Inmates in a prison are going up to COs (because they all have their permits) and telling them the COs address and threatening their families because of the Journal News article. Keep in mind that a criminal could also find the address of his arresting officer just as easily.

While pistol permit holder info is public record, should it be allowed to be published, especially when it’s having such negative effects such as above? I of course think it should be private information, and many lawmakers are now pushing legislation through to make it private, or at least against the law to publish that info.

Well now everybody will know who not to fuck with…

If I recall as a retaliation the newspapers employees residency information also became public on the internet.

I’m pretty sure this info was public anyways, however providing a map is just assanine. Now you can look up either where to steal a gun from, or where to avoid so you won’t get shot.

…And now the scumbags know which houses to steal guns from…

With that logic they will be robbing a gun store first. More guns to steal there.

Isn’t the general consensus is that guns are a deterrent… hence the targeting of gun free zones and the idea of armed guards?

I thought that was put right on facebook

If I was a crook looking for a gun, I’d find the home on the map, learn that persons schedule and break in when they are not home. Why would a crook try to steal a gun with someone home?

GREAT now I need a fucking permit. Personally if I was a thief I’d rob people I knew didn’t have weapons. Just like you wouldn’t try to steal from the guys yard that had a pit bull walking around in it.

Things are crazy these days

If a crook is going to rob someones house by using this information then they are really stupid. Keep in mind this is for pistol permits, not gun owners in general. Go ahead and attempt a robbery on a house not on this list. Maybe they will be lucky enough to meet a pissed off gun owner with a 12 gauge.

In my opinion it goes 2 ways. If your a criminal looking to aquire handguns then you now have a shopping list of targets. Most people own multiple pistols and don’t carry so they are either in their home or vehicle. Since most people are gone 9 hrs a day to go to work it makes for a good time frame for a criminal to break in and potentially steal said firearms. If my personal information was released in such a manner I would use the map of new paper employees and pay them all a visit, just to cause them the same amount of aggravation they caused me.

Theres some kind of irony in the having to hire armed guards despite being seemingly anti-gun

Lots of irony actually

IF this stuff is public record the newspaper did nothing at all wrong by publishing this stuff in their public paper. In bad taste? Yes. Illegal? No.

If you have an issue with this don’t go after the paper, they were within their rights. Go after law makers and get this stuff removed from public record.