Buffalo wants to ban stereo upgrades


The head of Buffalo’s Common Council is pushing for a law that would attempt to curb the ‘thumping’ noise of souped-up car stereos. President David Franczyk wants to ban the installation of such stereos as a ‘quality of life’ issue in the city.

At first I though, “shit, another stupid law in NYS”, but then the more I thought about it the more I started to question where you could use a typical bass system without being abnoxious and annoying to everyone around you. Going 75 down the thruway maybe, but even then people do live along the thruway and bass caries a LOOONG distance.


local car audio shops would go out of business

hahaha ya thats gunna happen, why dont they worry about the motorcycles loud ass pipes you can hear for miles at 3 in the morning instead

Car audio ‘enthusiasts’ who do it properly are like the Car enthusiast who make nice cars fast.
The assholes who do nothing but throw money @ the local shops because they “wanna be bangin” are the Ricers of the genre. Making a bad name for everyone.

It’s the assholes that have ZERO regard for others (with regards to output levels) that cause problems.

I used to be big into dBDrag and the competitive side of it (with the Termlab pressure sensor and all), but it got boring after a couple years. Even THEN I would dial it down for daily driving and stoplights and such. Not too mention that I’d spent ~$700 on sound deadening (to keep it in also keeps scores up). My last “loud” vehicle (last spring), I used 4 gallons of liquid deadening & close to 40lbs of matting. (I still have some left actually). You’d hardly feel my setup from 20’ OR MORE away. Even full tilt (registered & certified 158 dBs @ 42hz on the dash).

That being said, the aforementioned law will have a shit-ton of loopholes and probably be enforced about as much as the tint / exhaust laws: only when an officer feels like it / cant find something else wrong.


oh, and “Loud Pipes save Lives”

which I agree with, but still have problems with the legal aspect of it.

But that is a completely seperate realm of the law, and is too off topic :slight_smile:

Yeah, I don’t necessarily agree with banning the installation, but I completely agree with cracking down on the assholes. Went over over to my wife’s cousin’s place in N.Buffalo for dinner a couple weeks ago, near Starin and St. Lawrence, and about every 20 minutes some jackass would drive by that you could hear his bass from several blocks away.

Lets keep this on point and not turn it into a loud pipes vs loud stereo debate.

I agree, I gotta listen to all these damn harleys at WOT all freakin day and night long. Imports with lound exhaust get tickets, now they are trying to pull over anyone with audio equipment, but they never go after the harleys, it really pisses me off.


it really is a completely different argument though.


yea it’ll never pass, altho i do wish they would start enforcing the db laws more instead, that’d cut down on it

I dont care for stereos soo much but I also do not agree with this…dont they have better things to worry about

You really really really don’t want them to start cracking down on DB levels for aftermarket systems…

That just opens the door for cops cracking down on every aspect of aftermarket for cars.


Better things yes and no. Right now Buffalo is making a big push across the board, in both serious crimes (drugs etc) and nuisance stuff like this. This is just part of their “quality of life” campaign.

I’m not concerned with opening the door to car mod bans either. There is already a law on the books in NYS that says any exhaust modification that makes the car louder than STOCK is illegal.

That y i love my amp kill switch

It starts the cop enforcing laws already on the books…look at Cali.

Ride height, They check for CARB numbers, Tires, Aftermarket headlights, Loud exhaust, Loud radios…

when is the last time You saw / heard of someone getting stopped for ride height?
I know one person to ever have had a ticket for clearance and that was a severly slammed mini truck that drove on barely filled bags.

Police SHOULD enforce violations such as CARB, tire safety, headlights and even exhaust. The options to keep a car legal are there. If You dont wanna spend Your money on them, You accept the likelyhood of being fined for it.

Do they? Will they? Not anytime soon.

What im saying is…If they start enforcing laws like this…it opens a door for them to start cracking down on everything else…


i got a noise ordanace ticket about a week ago

How long have You lived in Buffalo?

This comes around EVERY SPRING/SUMMER time for the last 15 (or so) years.

Whats been done about it so far?