Buffalo wants to ban stereo upgrades

it doesn’t bother me if i hear a system once and a while but those idiots down town shake goodyear inside the building and there is already a lot ofnoise in a shop. THAT is excessive in my mind!

I hate, HATE, DESPISE retards that run around with their systems rattling the shit out of their car…

I didn’t know your license plate rattle was apart of DMX’s - ATF.

Btw, that song rocks ass for anyone who had a decent system.

meh I think Harleys are worse then loud systems…

How long had Masiello been in power to do nothing more than sit on his ass and get his buddies rich? I wouldn’t be so sure the, “they do this every year and nothing happens” approach is going to work anymore. There is a huge push by the administration to take Buffalo back, and that’s across the board, minor violations and major. Hell, the Erie County holding center was on the news saying they have to do upgrades because Buffalo PD are bringing so many people in.

The big problem is bass. Unless you put enough sound block in your car to make it a virtual tank, the bass from an amp powered sub is going to be heard outside. And it’s not the high frequency sound that people can simply close their street side windows to block out, because it’s a low frequency sound that goes right through walls. And even if they could close their windows, why should they? Just because you think everyone else wants to hear your music?

Loud Pipes,harleys,bass thumping…who cares.

Its not my hearing that’ll be failing :lol:

Im sorry, You must have misunderstood my posts in so far.

No shit, bass is the problem.

Which is why steps should be taken and enforced to educate the assholes, or punish them.

Clear enough?

Tell all the cry babies to move to the sticks and STFU


let 'em lol… I honestly wouldnt mind at all. lots of Bass is so f’n annoying… cant even hear the f’n music over it half the time. I have no problem with a decent sounding system (aka the shit in my car ISNT bouncing from it) but the over the top shit can burn for all I care.

I dont neccisarily agree with banning aftermarket stereo systems, but I do agree 100% with cracking down on it. Make it like a fix it ticket for tints… they uninstall it, bring it to the court to proove it and dismiss the ticket… if not, fine 'em

:tup: my motorcycle is deffinatly louder

only time I ever turn up my music anyway is when I’m on the highway cruising. But that’s just me :gotme:

No, I understand, but I laugh at “educate the assholes”. They’re assholes, you don’t educate them. We’ve already had a post in this thread of “just move if you don’t like noise”. It may have been a joke, but that will be the attitude of most of the obnoxiously loud system owners.

Like I said before, I still don’t like the idea if making the installation legal, but if the people that want loud systems want to keep laws like this off the books they better come up with an alternative plan. Because as it stands, I’m sure this will get support from the vast majority of Buffalo people since the vast majority are happy with their OEM system. 73% voted yes to supporting it in the WBEN poll.


one note:

73% voted yes to supporting it in the WBEN poll.
who, exactly, do You think the WBEN audience was that voted… :slight_smile:


I don’t hear much of that shit around anymore like it used to be. It used to be really bad but it has been getting better.

I hope it fails. They will try to start regulating way to much shit if they see that this one passes with ease.

fuck this. i keep my obnoxious sub off unless im competing or showing off. thats why i installed nice midbass seakers in my sail panels where my 6x9s were. its loud enough that you can hear the notes and somewhat feel certain notes, but its completely silent outside the car. on the other hand when my sub is on, well that can be heard for a few blocks.


Meh, cities are noisy. Always have been and always will be, regardless of whether or not some politican gets a law that won’t be enforced passed to make it look like he actually does something to earn his paycheck.:rolljerk:

Lol, the kid who bought brian’s (twizted’s) old integra got one in Newstead. he was in court when i had to go for my speeding ticket. He brought his mom with him to pay

Probably entirely composed of the age 60 - death demographic…

Speaking of getting old, I must be, because several years ago this proposal would have really pissed me off. Now, not only don’t I give a shit, I’m actually kind of in favor of it.

Of course, I’m also in favor of keeping everyone locked up in the house until they turn 21, too…

this is lame… I dont care for loud stereos much anymore, but I appreciate that some people do, and it does not harm anyone else other than some obnoxious noise once in awhile. I dont think they would ever get away with it unless they went after loud bikes as well.

It is a city, and with a city comes noise. Deal with it or leave.

This sounds like the “horn fine” in NYC. The signs are everywhere, but in one week walkign around the city, i never saw anyone getting ticketed, and I saw everyone honking.

Not only that, but sherm is right, this opens a whole new can of worms…

HA! I was thinking the same thing when I realized I was some what in favor of it.

I totally agree. Loud stereo systems should be banned. It’s not possible to be aware of a lot of other things on the road, like horns, and other people/pedestrians. Good law, if it goes through.