Quality of life crackdown


So, I really like the idea. But of course, I find myself :picard: 'ing the article.

If they stop a vehicle with loud music, they more than likely might find something else — like drugs or guns,” said Arthur Robinson Jr.


So if my music is loud, there is a good chance I have guns in the car.

What if I’m blasting classical music?

i feel like comparing month to month is a poor comparison…

The state control board that has been monitoring city spending since 2003 has red-flagged sky-high overtime in the Police and Fire departments as a major concern over the past year.

But a crackdown that produces thousands of additional summonses could easily pay for itself in increased fines, said City Finance Commissioner Janet Penksa. Brown indicated that if revenues increase enough to compensate for additional overtime, he wouldn’t have a problem.

“We could make a good case that it’s a sound expenditure,” the mayor said.

sweet. another tax.

It’s all about statistics. The $1000 car with the $5000 stereo driven by the 16-25 year old is far more likely to have drugs in it than the stock buick driven by the 70 year old.

:tup: to Buffalo.

If you want to pay for police overtime by ticketing idiots great. Better than taxing the people who are following the laws.

loud banging music is still very popular among certain demographics… I can see this helping but also being a large pain in the ass.

It’s erie county’s only way of doing business.

hahahaha so what about drugs in your car. you only said if its loud theres a good chance theres a gun. lol so they can expect to find drugs for in your car. lol

Seems a bit big brotherish, but it seems to be for mostly obvious reasons that shouldn’t occur in the first place. Unless you’re super lazy/poor/scuzzy.

Just think of it as “sharing.” :lol:

I wonder when the socialism jokes will get old?

But anyhow, yeah. Amazing. Increased police presence in high crime areas drives down crime. Someone should tell Amherst. Maybe if there were cops everywhere ticketing you for everything they’d be one of the safest towns in America.

yes. all over my car. heroin especially.

like i said, for the most part I see it as a good idea. But I hope that they really dont equate loud music with felons.

yeah. my cd player only goes to 65 or so and its usually at 50, i love my music loud

prolly more likely to find drugs (even personal use) then guns IMO, but I don’t ahve the data in front of me so meh.

In any case, you can’t argue with statistics, IDC who you are.

Fuck those nazi assholes in Amherst. They pulled me over for having a minority in my car. Despite the tickets for loud exhaust, speeding, tint and loud stereo I know damn well those racist crackers pulled me over because of my asian friend riding shotgun.

Maybe it was the trunk full of purses he was trying to sell while you cruised up and down main street.

Yeah I dunno. FAILJOKE

Way to go Fry.
You should’ve known better.
For example:


You don’t have non-caucasian, non republican, non williamsville friends.

I hear ya, but what’s next?

Dude is wearing a hoodie, he prolly robbed someone.

He’s not sitting straight up, pull him over.

He’s got a car full of girls and it looks like it’s going real swell, he must be on his way to the eastside motel. Lets pull him over.

and, to the OP: You drive a stock Volvo - no system, no rims, no tint.

WTF Are you worried about? Old man…


lol, those are all things I planned out so I don’t get harrassed. You know, on my drugs runs and everything. I gotta stay one step ahead of the man.

How much profiling do you do at work?

Srsly, I can only guess where you guys get “leads” from et al, but I’m willing to bet that you work harder on some then others, why?

I’m not saying I agree with the doctrine.
I do agree that it is effective.
Does it impune on civil rights? No, but it’s close.
Can you argue with the results? Sure, but at least there are results to argue about.



Whens the last time you read about a major figure getting taken down in a “tint” traffic stop?

Srsly, hang out on NFB sometime. You can literally see 4-5 cars pulled over in a given evening.

Yes, most, if not all of them are for DWB.
But half, if not more of them end up going away in cuffs or having the car towed.

Batting 0.500 or better on a given day, :tup: