Buffalo's 1st Ice Festival this weekend

What do I look like, MOBOOST?

im going down to this and pond hockey and the powder keg in a 40 person limo bus… wahoooo cant wait

Looks pretty cool, anything like this in Buffalo is a good thing we should support it.

when i get on Sunday i am in! stupid work

I’m doing the polar bear swim

So weird to see them plowing snow ON TO the Seneca St. ramp…

post a couple of pics.


Also take pics from above of the ice maze so that I can cheat…

My shitshow thing went off

no ice maze cheating pics…uploading a couple cell phone ones of the ramp now. Kind of hard to tell whats going on since im so far up and the snow really degrades the quality, but meh

you’re a bit late, but still in time…

Made the record book

Beer and food tents on Seneca, high level view of the ramp, where they are pushing snow on to it, and where they havent yet…

should make the seneca st exit into a mini ski jump.

bring out some talent to do some tricks. it would be sick to see guys skiing in the middle of the city.

that’s the clean baldy i know…


Oh man, OG comment right there. :tup: That is even before UBRF…

In my defense, 10 years later, one of the guys at that LAN party gave me the wall cheat to try while we were messing around. Before I knew it everyone accused me of cheating. Perhaps 10 years later you guys will listen… but I doubt it. LOL

goin on Sunday with the chic…bout time Buffalo does something like this, kinda cool.

overhead of ice maze

Went today with the wife and some friends. Great event. They could have spaced out the tents a bit more, but for a first year, it was amazingly huge. Good to see so many people in downtown Buffalo.

Had some brews at Pearl Street, did the ice maze, watched some pond hockey. Good time.

sometimes… i miss buffalo…

this is one of those times.