Build thread ... 83 Coupe Deville

Nah, powdertech is DUMB expensive for shit, I can’t justify that. I do have paint guns etc at the house here, so I’m thinking I’ll just buy some real good paint and paint it here at the house myself, or maybe over at Jon’s because he has a makeshift paint booth.

Cool. Yea, they are DUMB expensive. I’m thinking about putting a small powdercoating setup in my garage to do small things like calipers, brackets, etc. We had one at Adam’s awhile ago, but we didn’t use it much and sold everything.

LMK if the frame needs a ride :thumbup

Will do man thank you! My brother has all the shit, I just need a cheap oven and I"m good to go here. Still isn’t going to help this frame though! lol

Oh, nice! Craigslist FTW. LMK if/when you wanna pick one up. I had one in my garage for the longest time and then Joel ended up taking it because his oven crapped out.

lol will do man, don’t really care right now, I don’t have the room at the moment. Wayyyyyyy too much shit in there right now.

OH FUCK YEA!!! Out there tonight and finally figured out how I’m going to do the rear bridge and keep the body mount!!! Fucking win! I got my back inside plates ground down and one is tacked in place :slight_smile: Do the other tomorrow night :slight_smile:

oh shit, ill have to hear about this

So wayne i will be residing in the garage on weekends from now on helping.Caddi ftw…

OK dude! I love it when people come visit me when I’m workin! I’m gonna head back out in a bout an hour or so :wink:

I did mad more work… no pics though ROFL

i can attest to this, c-clamp FTW looks great wayne, makes me wanna strap a frame :thumbup

I fucking can’t wait to be done with this so I can see if I can break it!!!

more progress…

I am in possession of a brand new front subframe for an 88 sedan deville. Will it be of use to you?

ugh god no! thanks for thinkin of me though man!

Got a little bit more accomplished. The front plate from the kit didn’t seem to fit for shit. No matter what i did or how I bent it, it just wouldn’t line up properly! I dunno if maybe they sent me the wrong one or something…

heres a few snaps:

yes, the plate is tight against the crossmember, i didn’t build that mighty c-clamp not to use it!

oh and i picked this up tonight as well:

what did ya weld that with ? a shovel lolololol

I had to break out the BFH

Nice! Where did you get that press!?

see my new toy for the shop thread! stop by and use it! :slight_smile: