Building a new system...have some questions

Lifting the carpet is not hard as it is only a 1ft section (between the rear seat and end of the center console) that gets lifted.

3x2 meaning 3 RCA cables with 2 plugs per cable. 3x2 = 6. Therefor, technically, it’s 6 RCA jacks. Sorry for confusing you?

The fuel harness (and a bunch of other wiring) runs on the right side of the car. Hence there is no room for many wires in that ‘tunnel’.

I don’t get what you’re going on and on about? The only question I wanted answered was how to connect the speakers (whether to CUT or SPLICE the wires). When a cap was mentioned (I wasn’t planning on using a cap or a DB), I got curious, looked at em and decided it wouldn’t hurt to have it.

Do you even know the interior setup (wiring and such) of a stock Maxima? You clearly seem to be talking about another car when you talk about wiring down the middle, etc. The only wiring down the middle in a Maxima is to the airbag computer. That’s it.

What are we arguing about again? This is getting lame.