Burly-Ham meet before Bing's meet

HI guys,
I’m trying to find out how many people from Burlington and Hamilton are going to the bings meet, there are a few guys I know that would like to meet up prior to the Bing’s meet and then criuse up to St.cats as one BIG pack:thumright: , if you’re in the area and would like to make this happen please post.
Location and time will be decided on this week.

im liking this idea…should coordinate it to meet with the sq1 on the highway…that would be pretty good

all pre meets go to sq1 then we all leave from there, its easyer that way

ok what time do you guys meet a sq1?
i think a meet in h-town would be better for so people because i know alot of guys dont really feel like driving out there when the bings meet is in the others drection.

I think this idea is pretty cool too and would look SICK SO SICK:cool:

If no one want to do a pre meet in H-town you guys can count me in @ SQ1.
This meet doesn’t look like its going down so Ill be @ SQ1
please delete this thread.

that is true why would i drive out the opposit direction then come back. no sense no sense at all

i think im gona park my ass somewhere where i can watch the highway and wait for a shit load of 240’s, i don’t feel like wasting gas.
Any recommendations of good spots

side of the highway?? lol
If you know someone thats going to be in the sq1 pack, tell them to call, that will give you heads up and then jump in… that all I can think of.

some one in this square one pack give me a shout when your passing hamilton ill jion in then thanks. 905 971 6904
andrew is the name

hey sil8t … meet me somewhere in hamilton