Burnall 4 and I broke 100,000 views

so i guess Rubin and I are famous lol we got 103k views and going. quick lil run playing around, 60-120 me on 13psi 430ish wheel. Man i miss her :frowning:


jk, cool vid guys… wreck makes me cry.

You are famously gay:hug

Are all the views from you?

washing machine

shit you caught me lol i went to 103xxx different computers to watch the vid

iv been saving in hopes to be back out again some day

do it up dude… time will come. Save and do it right again. :thumbup

Yea quit talking and build it already JUSTIN



o shill be right trust me :wink:

i know guys the money isnt there just yet but im hoping soon, car will be the same as before only white with maybe a few lil things changed

Juat watched it on repeat for 5 mins with a raging broner

Regardless, that’s a ton of views.

yeah i was kinda happy to see that # lol, it was also nice to read some comments and see how pple i dont even know were saying “sorry to see” and “i feel bad for ya bud”

still can’t believe you wrecked that thing acting like such a retard. what a shame, that car was amazing.

I like hondas, but do not have a passion for them by any means…however you’re a fucking asshole for wrecking that car.

you dont think i know that James, iv heard that 121324 times, i know and learned my lesson bud

every one wrecks right, after all didnt you wreck

something that justin would do

and i cant believe that you started a thread to say that you reached 100,000 views … hahaha sorry justin … PARIS

i was board and though it was cool that we broke 100,000+ views lol

p.s…PARIS is on its way via text to you right now hahaha

yeah ive wrecked a couple cars but they sucked