BURNALL4...Quick Pics

Don’t forget to photoshop out your registration/inspection.

It’s a thing that always bugs me as an eye sore, but usually a quick fix.

Thats a sweet idea, and your right im sure that wouldnt take alot of time to do and would make a nice difference.

white is the ugliest color on a car…godddddd

lol your car is sick.

you type like a pubescent girl would talk. queer.

car looks great man. enjoy it!


lil update on the tuning…it dosent look like its getting tuned tomarrow. MAYBE Wednesday afternoon before the valley. If something changes ill let you guys know.

Well guys i just got off the phone with the CT boys and the tuning dosent look good for this week…we’re gonna try again for the early part of next week. :frowning:

That sucks man, better luck next week!

wtf! you still coming out this week?

looks good man

clean fast white wingless
my fav. local evo :thumb

White wingless RS is the shizzzzzzzznit


The JDM rear bumper would set things off nicely in my opinion, but yeah it is a lot of cheese

Thanks again guys! I got some more pics to put up soon too.