Burned Oil?

I have a 93 Sentra XE, with 185,000 kms. The car is in great shape, no rust, runs great, BUT the oil gets discolored almost immediately after a complete oil and filter change. The oil gets darker. Any ideas? Should I be doing something?

The only thing that comes to mind right away is that maybe between oil change, the system is not properly flushed.

I’m not a mechanic but what i have done in the past was pour some transmission fluid throught the system and alot of dirt/sludge will break down and come out. USually if the oil has been used longer than life span this build gets almost glued to oil plan/ engine parts.

Transmission fluid almost works like a detergent but not be kept in the car that long.

Run the car for about 5mins or so, then drain out the fluid and pour the oil. you can probably wait for some other reoplies or consult a mechanic before doing but it does work, IF thats the problem.

Thanks, it sounds like a good idea.

Chiney11 is on right on the money.

however with these older cars, specially the sentra ive noticed this problem.

youve just got sludge in your engine. you should first remove the oil pan and use a lot of engine degreaser and clean it up. then do the transmission oil trick. let your car run for 5-10 min. now drain the oil, and top up with fresh 10w30.

if theres any sludge after that, then you gotta remove the top cover of you engine, where the crank shaft sits, and clean that area up.
thats right ive seen disgusting engines before…

but anyways that should solve your problem.

the tranny fluid is a great idea thanks guys for the info