WTF, were did my oil go?

today i did the first oil change on my new used car. i let car run till it reached normal operating temp, removed drain plug and let drain pan sit there for almost 10 mins.i got a huge suprise when i checked the pan there was less than a quart of f2cking oil. am not sure if the car is leaking but i really really doubt it cuz i havent seen any puddles or trace of oil but i could be wrong. am going to take a very close look at it and see if its leaking or not but if its not what should i replace to fix issue(burning oil i guess).

this is a 92 accord 119k

Did you check the oil when you got it?

If you did, how long ago was the last time you checked it? If you didn’t, there really isn’t much help for you.

The first thing I always do when buying a used car is change the regular maintenance items. Oil, filters, trans fluid, diff fluid etc… all get changed immediately after purchase regardless of what the previous owner tells me.

yeah, did you check it before draining it? was the car sitting for a while when you bought it?

when i first got car it was low in oil so i put only 1 qt and got me back to were you wana be, that was like 1 1/2 month ago. i cant say i check the oil again since then b/c i wasnt really riding car most of the time i was working on it(reason why my motor didnt blow up i guess) and thats why i say if there was a leak i would of notice.
i mean my tail pipe is clean no smoke at all, but my muffler is very very dirty(black dust) not sure if that means anything.
but i just dont know what to think here, were could all of that oil go?

did you check youre coolant? could be mixin in with it

Not to be a smart ass but are you sure you pulled the correct plug?

Did you remove the filler cap?

i checked the pan there was less than a quart of f2cking oil.

first off, don’t rely on puddles or drips to say if it has a leak or not. jack the car up, look for the tell-tale streaks of fluid leakage on the block and pan, and on the tranny casing. check the filter to ensure the damn thing is on tight. reach up and feel around by the head for any wetness.

car with that age can have bad oil seals, could be leaking internally by the timing belt.

If you went through 4 or whatever quarts in 45 days I doubt it’s burning it all off. You’re likely leaking it out.

i think i know were oil went now, i learned my lesson from cheap egay sh1t and lucky i didnt kill my engine. b4 i upgraded my suspenssion i bought som cheap ebay coil overs to drop the car a lil but they were bouncy as fuck and my oil pan got crush .am thinking of getting the obx oil pan kit holds 5.5 qt of oil stock is like 4qt, my question is wouldnt that couse more oil pressure and blow some seals or somting>? let me know if it ok and good to get i see that it suppost to retain oil better during corner is this true or only if you get dry sump or something
am really going to get into auto x for next year and wana get my lil sh1t ready and give it some balls.

having an extra capacity pan won’t increase the pressure - just the capacity.

if you crushed a 4qt. pan because of having cheap coil-overs, putting a bigger 5.5qt. pan on there won’t solve the problem. take care of your suspension issues first.

those are LOONNNGGG gone, and thnx for answer.pan on its way to my house.
