Far from taking sides here but i will say that the only way Iran could even attack us with a “nuke” of any type would be if it was smuggled into the US and then detonated. I am credible on the subject i promise lol. Thats by no means is saying i think Iran should have nuclear capabilities at all.
I am credible on the subject i promise lol.
Amazingly…I was watching Fox news (oh that means its all bullshit already right :bloated:), and they were interviewing some soldiers who were saying that in an area that had once been one of the worst spots for terrorist attacks on soldiers and citizens, has now been attack free since aug. Thats 4 months without an attack in an area that was claiming 15-30 people a week.
This is my area actually and it is amazing the differences that ive seen happen while here. The four month part was ment to be “on base attacks” which in itself is amazing. Those are things like mortars, and rockets. We have had ome off base stuff happen but nothing like what was happening 5-6 months ago.
Right click, properties on the picture. Since I’m well aware of how inept you are, here’s a hint; it’s not my photobucket account.
We’re in an unpopular war that the vast majority of the US representatives voted for.
You have to admit that giving Iran a free pass on nuclear weapons because “we’re making too many enemies” is far worse than anything Dubbya has done.
2010, that’s forever away. We should just forget about them for now. Who ever gets elected in 2008 will have 2 years to fix that problem so lets just back burner it. We MIGHT run out of oil by 2060 and that’s a critical problem, but an insanely unstable leader possibily having a nuke in 3 years is no big deal. :picard:
Oh hell, now I have no worries at all. They’re cooperating. “You can look here all you want, but you can’t look over there”.
Hmmm, I bet you also supported Bush in his search for WMD’s in Iraq. Bush was sooo credible in the last altercation with Iraq, it really makes me think what your thought process is to believe him again.
-ps I am happy to see you have pictures of me on your computer. Keep it away from the girls, they may get jealous.
Engineers like this little concept called “root cause analysis.” It’s where we try to get to the cause of the problem and fix the problem there, rather than deal with the symptoms. It would be kind of like trying to make peace with Iran rather than try to keep them from being able to hurt us.
I wanted to reach through the TV and choke him when he said “The way I see it, the only way to protect ourselves is to keep Iran from gaining the knowledge.” STFU.
I think I’m going to be voting democrat. This country needs the most un-Bush-like president possible.
Hmmm, I bet you also supported Bush in his search for WMD’s in Iraq. Bush was sooo credible in the last altercation with Iraq, it really makes me think what your thought process is to believe him again.
Yep, myself and the rest of the majority. It must be nice to sit back and monday morning QB it several years later when we have much more information. I don’t fault them for going into Iraq. I do fault them for having a terrible plan for after we got there, and for not admitting going in, based on what we know TODAY, was a mistake.
-ps I am happy to see you have pictures of me on your computer. Keep it away from the girls, they may get jealous.
For the last time you moron, they are not from my computer. I looked at the last thread of your douchebaggery, found the picture that was posted, and copied the link. They happen to be on FormulaLS1’s photobucket account, probably because he enjoys pointing out your douchebaggery as well.
U.S. will be blown to shit in no less than 10 years by some other country
everyone hates us, and they have reason
fuck i even hate us : X THX BUSHWACKER
Last site I was on I just posted how i dislike where american cars are going in terms reliability and build quality, and people now h8 me because I suposedly h8 the USA? I love the US. Not my problem if i can care less about politics and american cars. I actualy had old vets come up to me at car shows and literaly threaten me after i said how american cars are built like shit.
For the last time you moron, they are not from my computer. I looked at the last thread of your douchebaggery, found the picture that was posted, and copied the link. They happen to be on FormulaLS1’s photobucket account, probably because he enjoys pointing out your douchebaggery as well.
awwwwwww…so defensive…dont worry, I wont tell anyone your a flaming faggot…:wiggle: I bet the picture of me with my shirt off is your wall paper. Beat off much?
U.S. will be blown to shit in no less than 10 years by some other country
everyone hates us, and they have reason
fuck i even hate us : X THX BUSHWACKER
Our foreign policy simply sucks.
awwwwwww…so defensive…dont worry, I wont tell anyone your a flaming faggot…:wiggle: I bet the picture of me with my shirt off is your wall paper. Beat off much?
The funniest part is the guy from the picture above, in the shades, calling me a faggot. The irony is strong here. :lol:
Bush = the suck
Ron Paul 2008
Maybe you should spell the guys name right of the guy your supporting ^^
Ron Paul will never be president.
you guys really are silly…
nobody has even touched on any issues that are in any way relevant to Iran and why the US is going in… more importantly, it doesnt matter who votes or if you approve… it’s going to happen anyways Dems or Reps, doesnt matter. it was decided in the first quarter of last year (2006).
It will be really funny though to see the Dems win the election, not pull out of Iraq and then go into Iran and the public will be all WTF MATE? and the Dems will be all… WTF UTHINKBISH?
Also… i support going into Iran from a ‘sustaining my way of life’ perspective, but i dont support the ‘lets lie to our people because they are too stupid to grasp the honest truth’ part of it.
If Bush got up and came clean it would make up for about 5% of the lies he’s told… but at least everyone would be like… ‘yeah that makes sense, ok lets do it’.
Run Paul 2008
Yeah, let’s return the the gold standard :bloated:
I dont see Marcus posting lame, played out, pictures like a 14yr old schoolgirl instead of backing up his point with facts
Some irony
Which one are you in that picture?
And I posted plenty of facts in this thread. But a picture is worth a 1000 words.
Which one are you in that picture?
And I posted plenty of facts in this thread. But a picture is worth a 1000 words.
Im not but it is played out and lame. A little more maturity would go a long way. (and prevent off topic clusterfucks)
Rush just quoted Hillary from 2 years ago.
She was bitching about Bush “ignoring” the evil empire of Iran.
It was quite comical.
Hillary is going down fast.