Bush and his theories...

Richardson > *.democrats > hillary > *.republicans > bush > rove/cheney


Richardson > *.democrats > hillary > *.republicans > bush > rove/cheney



Biden > Edwards > Obama > *

I like richardson personally. He’s got the widest breadth of experience of the dem candidates, particularly in foreign policy, and none of the other primary candidates actually committed to a <1 year pullout. Also, like me, he’s one of the few dems that supports gun rights.
and I really think it’s going to be tough for a senator to get elected president in this era. There are too many complex bills they have to vote for that can be used to repeat the whole “flip flopper” campaign.

fuck you! no fuck you! no i would fuck you harder! as more bull shit flies out the flys come in for the kill.

shut the hell up! im sick of this political crap!

dont click threads that start with Bush then? :gotme:




See, hotdogs are bad for childhood mental development.


The funniest part is the guy from the picture above, in the shades, calling me a faggot. The irony is strong here. :lol:


Nope, it’s not. Your still a faggot.


Nope, it’s not. Your still a faggot.


Yes, it is.

(this is fun, it’s like arguing with a 3rd grader)

Once again, Fry posted the most sense-filled response in this thread.

I will take cougarspeed’s word for it.

I also think parts of Iraq that have been occupied by US (and Blackwater) soldiers are eventually going to have no terrorism/violence/fighting…Until they move on to the next terrorist/violent part and the cycle continues. It’s a game of Whack-A-RadicalMuslim.

^ best anology yet.


It’s a game of Whack-A-RadicalMuslim.


Haha, I like that.


Yes, it is.

(this is fun, it’s like arguing with a 3rd grader)


Your like a retarded teenager with down syndrome…this is fun. Do this much?:banghead:

Bush isn’t even liked right now by the Republicans who backed him so hardcore before his second term. He was a fuck up and i can’t wait to have him out in a year…

no1 can be worse than him… no1

not even a she-whore, a man who claims he’s black, or a horrible NYC mayor who has no credibility

The funny part about the next election is the Dems dont have a single decent person running, that is capable of doing the job and not failing miserably


The funny part about the next election is that neither side has a single decent person running, that is capable of doing the job and not failing miserably






+1 Can I vote for Roosevelt’s tomb stone?

If any one single candidate would get up on a podium and say the words “I will make it our national mission to become energy independent by 2018” they would get my vote in a heartbeat. Become energy independent. Develop the technology. Share/sell the technology. Stay/get back on top as the dominant country. Let the middle east fizzle without its oil money. /WWIIII

http://www.ronpaul2008.com/ only 1.6 to go.


If any one single candidate would get up on a podium and say the words “I will make it our national mission to become energy independent by 2018” they would get my vote in a heartbeat. Become energy independent. Develop the technology. Share/sell the technology. Stay/get back on top as the dominant country. Let the middle east fizzle without its oil money. /WWIIII


And then we’ll all ride rainbow colored unicorns in a field of golden straw singing what a wonderful world it is… Fry you dreamer… :wink:

oh it’ll happen… when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert.