Bush and his theories...


oh it’ll happen… when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert.


Does it sound like that when I say it?


This is my area actually and it is amazing the differences that ive seen happen while here. The four month part was ment to be “on base attacks” which in itself is amazing. Those are things like mortars, and rockets. We have had ome off base stuff happen but nothing like what was happening 5-6 months ago.


Yeah the soldiers said that it used to be suicide to walk down the streets durring the day but now it is almost safe(ish). Many of the taliban have switches sides and are now helping the Iraqies and the US military. :tup: to standing up and doing the right thing.


Rush just quoted Hillary from 2 years ago.
She was bitching about Bush “ignoring” the evil empire of Iran.
It was quite comical.

Hillary is going down fast.:smiley:


Because Hillary will say whatever is popular to gain votes. When Spitzer came up with his plan to give immigrants licenses…all the other politicians said something…accept Hillary. She was waiting to see what the popular thing to say would be before she said it. She can’t think on her own. All she has are polls and a cunt.

Hillary is a giant blubbering vagina

She that must not be named is pure evil. I don’t think anything short of a stake that had been soaked in holy water shoved through her heart in direct sunlight while beheading her and removing it from the vacinity of her corpse will kill her.


She that must not be named is pure evil. I don’t think anything short of a stake that had been soaked in holy water shoved through her heart in direct sunlight while beheading her and removing it from the vacinity of her corpse will kill her.


Bush is more evil than Hilary is. Hilary is made from Bush concentrate, just add water.


Bush is more evil than Hilary is. Hilary is made from Bush concentrate, just add water.


:bloated: yeah ok.


It would be kind of like trying to make peace with Iran rather than try to keep them from being able to hurt us.


This will never work. They are a country who teaches hate and will always despise us for what we are, what we do or what we have done.

I was young when it happened but I think around 9/11 we were at one of our most peacefull times with the Middle East that we had been for a while (Since the early 90’s) And we still got dicked…

Countries like Iran (no matter the administration) will always hate us. Right now they hate us to the point of attack and I dont wanna see that happen, none of you Liberal assclowns should want that either and if it happens then what do you all say?


This will never work. They are a country who teaches hate and will always despise us for what we are, what we do or what we have done.

I was young when it happened but I think around 9/11 we were at one of our most peacefull times with the Middle East that we had been for a while (Since the early 90’s) And we still got dicked…

Countries like Iran (no matter the administration) will always hate us. Right now they hate us to the point of attack and I dont wanna see that happen, none of you Liberal assclowns should want that either and if it happens then what do you all say?


You need some education. This is probably one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said on here, almost as bad as hotdog boy.

I should change your username to MOH84U


Can’t we find a country with normal people to piss off?

Say one where the don’t hold religion so highly…and blowing your self up isn’t acceptable?


Hell yea… lets invade France and take their truffles… I would have no problems with being deployed there

Don’t pick on the surrender country. Lets at least make a sport of it. An arms race with Japan would make for some pretty cool technology!

I could see the Headlines now:

In a bold move newly appointed Prime minister of France, François Fillon, Decides to pull troops out of Paris and make a desperate dash for the Mediterranean


OMG i cant even quote all the good ones put this thread made e lol atleast 5 solid times A+ hahhahahaha great stuff. Jeg im not sure where you get your news from but thats correct 100%. I used to be worried about running into a market for a soda and now i feel moderatley comfortable chillin with the townspeople on the regular. We were bombing the area daily for months an it was a constant battle. From what i gather our COL and a few improtant townsmen basically had a meeting on the subject some time ago we gave them money and jobs. Shabang shapow less violence go figure. No more bombing+jobs+money=less violence lol.

:tup: cougarspeed. Good to hear some non liberal media reports from Iraq.

Ill tell you i couldnt agree more. I am not a crazy right winger at all but when i watch the news or read an article online I almost always feel like it has been bent bad to turn the story into what they think people want to hear/read. I watch/read news about iraq about once a month just to make sure it is still mostly wrong lol. I work in the S2(intell) field so i always see numbers and reports about activity etc. It is amazing what has been accomplished over here in the last 3-5 months. Im not sure how the US media is covering it as i said i dont follow it. But to me just seeing it makes me feel my job is worthwile. Sorry for the off-topic post. On topic personally i am not comfortable with Iran being able to develop nuclear capabilities. But there are certain ways such a thing can be delt with and i dont think there is an easy option.


Ill tell you i couldnt agree more. I am not a crazy right winger at all but when i watch the news or read an article online I almost always feel like it has been bent bad to turn the story into what they think people want to hear/read. I watch/read news about iraq about once a month just to make sure it is still mostly wrong lol. I work in the S2(intell) field so i always see numbers and reports about activity etc. It is amazing what has been accomplished over here in the last 3-5 months. Im not sure how the US media is covering it as i said i dont follow it. But to me just seeing it makes me feel my job is worthwile. Sorry for the off-topic post.


Very good news.


On topic personally i am not comfortable with Iran being able to develop nuclear capabilities. But there are certain ways such a thing can be delt with and i dont think there is an easy option.


Iran has enough of an economic stake in selling it’s oil that I doubt it will come to military action. They are the #4 producer so that’s pretty much their entire economy if sanctions are tightened.

Well thats good news i hope they do tighten sanctions on them I understand people who think we are big bad bullys when we do things like this but i still think it is necessary. Semi on topic you guys see they want to outfit our current nukes with new warheads?


Semi on topic you guys see they want to outfit our current nukes with new warheads?


That’s not “anti-Bush\2008 election” enough to make the news here in the US. What kind of warheads are they going to use? Smaller more tactical nukes I assume since we no longer have a need to destroy a country the size of the old USSR.

hahaha the article is in Novembers Scientific American its pretty good article. Covers alot of info on worldwide capabilities. Its really just a head with different materials and different primary chemicles. Basically they are saying they are unsure of the shelf life of the older warheads so they want to replace them with ones they dont feel they would be unsure about. Mostly since you can no longer test them. I get frustrated when a magazine or news channel trys to force their opinion down your throat during news of any type. The article starts out with “the us needs a new defense strategy, not new nuclear warheads.” maybe maybe not i dont care i want to read the article and make my own opinions. Not be forcefully subjected to others. Oh well