Bush and his theories...

That actually is funny because they are all in the same exclusive club along with the likes of Kerry, etc.

The media has hit an all time low on this one though.
I CAN’T believe the way this shit has been reported.
You would think Bush just killed Mother Teresa in a bombing in Iran.
I won’t even get into the way they word things and twist everything around.
It [the power of the media] is funny and very scary at the same time.

Wow diplomacy works huh? Who would have thunk it

No shit and its funny because my area was kind of a test for a new way to deal with things. It was a great success and ive still heard people who oppose it in other regions hahaha wtf.

Instilling fear is great diplomacy when regular diplomacy fails.:slight_smile:

Sounds like plain old bribery to me. Obviously they weren’t scared off by bombing.

Our land is more open where i am and one of the reasons the diplomacy happened was because of alot of bombing that we were doing. Not saying i dont think it would work just as well without the bombing. But from what i know a few of the higher known locals approached us to work the deal to stop bombing in the area as much. We cant really bomb/shell as much in other areas due to how populated they are.

How can you bomb well populated areas?

EASY just dont care as much

The democrats hide behind social programs for the poor, etc so they can not look as slimey as the republicans but you are right, the vast majority of them are all in the same exclusive club.

How will US sanctions hurt Iran any further if the primary (85%) buyers of Iran’s oil are not American.

How do you address going into Iran with ‘suspected’ nuclear technology, with the Iraq fiasco fresh at hand, versus not going into N.Korea despite their flamboyant exhibition of nuclear weapons?

Easy, the rest of the world thinks we suck so they can’t really be disappointed now, can they? J/k…That is trivializing things a bit but I doubt congress will allow the military to go into Iran anyway. Let the Israelis deal with it as they are probably better (albeit more violent) at it anyway.

:tup:. Thats awsome. Even if alot of people disagree with the war, these are still human beings we are talking about. They have every right to be free and safe. I’m very happy to know that even with all the bullshit being slung around, that we ARE having a posative effect over there.

What’s the liberation tour going to be then, who’s the next country to “free”, JEG?

Did you know that the British tried to install a democracy in Iraq after WWI?

Prior to WWI, Iraq was part of the Ottoman empire. GB kicked the Ottomans out and thus had themselves control of Iraq. They tried to install a democracy.

The Shiites didn’t want any part of it so the British installed the son of the Sherif of Mecca as king and called it a day, keeping military bases there. After 40 years of military governments, military coups, repeated political reinvolvement of Britain during WWII, and more coups, GB finally got out when the Baath party and ultimately Saddam Hussein took power and kicked them out.

So from 1920 to 1968 the country was too unstable for a lasting government, let alone a democracy.

Do you think the country has changed that much in 40 years?

It’s this country’s ego that thinks democracy works everywhere just because it worked here and got the British out 200+ years ago. Good info, Fry.

You have talked about bombing the place till its a sheet of glass.

"Prior to WWI, Iraq was part of the Ottoman empire. GB kicked the Ottomans out and thus had themselves control of Iraq. "

Funny story. When I first read that it sounded like this in my head. “Green Bay kicked the Ottomans out…”


Because the sactions will be done through the UN. Germany is a member, and Iran’s #1 customer.

#1 I never said go in militarily. I simply said that Iran shouldn’t be considered “safe” because they can’t make a bomb until at least 2010. I suggested we won’t have to go in militarily because sactions should be more than effective. As for N.Korea, do a search. I’ve always held the belief that NK would cave for simple economic incentives. And what do you know, that’s working.
I’ve seen recently in the news that they’ve hit some snags but this will continue to be a political negotiation, as it should.

I’m sorry but this is not true.

Zhuhai Zhenrong Corp of China is Iran’s largest crude oil purchaser and as of late 2006 began buying its oil from Iran with the Euro. This company (not a country) buys more than 10% of Iran’s oil production.

Japan, also a UN member, has stopped paying in US dollars and has switched to the Euro and the Yen.

Iran has commited to purging it’s federal reserves of the US dollar. This is one of the driving factors behind the US currency’s deflation. Iran is currently down to about 15% US dollars now and it’s dwindling fast.

Japan, as a nation, switched currencies in September.

As China, Japan, Russia and others purge the US dollar from their reserves we will see continued devaluing of your currency… it’s down more than 30% ($0.64 per dollar) since i worked for the Casino in University.

That is why you guys are going into Iran… nuclear bullshit has nothing to do with it and never did… but keep believing that please.

for the record, i support the invasion of iran, but it’s different because i also understand why.

sweet, can ya step down off your pedestal and explain it to us simpletons? That is, of course, if you can deflate your ego enough to touch ground :rx3:

My info was a little older, 2004, but it showed Germany as the number # purchaser of Iranian oil.

The rest of it I can’t really argue with you because I don’t have the time to validate your “facts”. Based on the “facts” you’ve presented in your other posts (9/11 etc) a seriously cloud of doubt is cast over anything you say because we have repeatedly proven you things you state as fact are blatently false.