Bush and his theories...

you’re just a fool thats all.

All the info is readily available anywhere and everything i have stated is also easily verifiable.

I have some interesting PH.D written papers on the subject that pre-date Saddam’s capture and the increase in oil prices that predict everything… it’s like someone went 6 years back in time and wrote about what was going to happen.

If you are going to criticise then i have no interest in sharing the info with you.

If you would like to actually learn how economics plays a definitive role i can find links to these articles on-line.

Links are usually the downfall of your facts so I don’t blame you for withholding them.


this article, actually written in 2004 by a bulgarian guy who earned his Ph.D from the University of Ohio, will give you a strong background on how curreny valuations and oil trade plays such a major part of this war.

He is now a professor of macro-economics in Russia or Eastern Europe somewhere.

when you read that and try to discredit it i will link you to some more that go further in depth… but they long… like i havent even finished some of them… they are like 60+ page thesis papers.

It’s certainly an interesting read and seems to have a lot more facts than what you normally post. I’ll look more into it later tonight.

I always have the facts, you just disagree thats all


I always have the facts, you just disagree thats all


Usually your facts are completely false though. Do I need to link in the 9/11 thread? In this case it certainly seems to make sense though.



this article, actually written in 2004 by a bulgarian guy who earned his Ph.D from the University of Ohio, will give you a strong background on how curreny valuations and oil trade plays such a major part of this war.

He is now a professor of macro-economics in Russia or Eastern Europe somewhere.

when you read that and try to discredit it i will link you to some more that go further in depth… but they long… like i havent even finished some of them… they are like 60+ page thesis papers.


That was really interesting. It discussed economic theory that should have gone way over my head, but he explained things well. If I understood it correctly: We were able to decouple from gold because we had far and away the strongest economy, so we were in effect coupled to everything. We don’t anymore so we’re trying to couple the dollar with black gold?

What a goofy make believe points system. :stuck_out_tongue:


Usually your facts are completely false though. Do I need to link in the 9/11 thread? In this case it certainly seems to make sense though.


there are no facts about 9/11.


there are no facts about 9/11.


I’m just gonna let that one go so this doesn’t turn into another 9/11 debate.


You need some education. This is probably one of the dumbest things anyone has ever said on here, almost as bad as hotdog boy.

I should change your username to MOH84U


And how is this wrong… the religious extremists will always hate us and as long as they have any say over Ahmadinejad they will continue to hate us.

Some young people like us there but its not like they have a real democracy so that means what?

Where am I mixed up here, god of politics

soo… who else read that paper?

Fry, JayS… is your interest peaked at all? Because there is some seriously awesome stuff to be found out when you dig a bit deeper. That paper only touches the surface. It’s a good preface for understanding going into Iraq and why the US is going into Iran regardless of Dem or Rep. the only difference is how.

additionally, noting that the paper was written in 04… some of the possible outcomes actually did occur as he predicted.

The Iranian Oil Bourse is still not open due to technical difficulties… which dont happen when you have the kind of resources Iran has. So the trading of oil for Euro’s and Yen was done less officially, without an organized market place anyways.


sweet, can ya step down off your pedestal and explain it to us simpletons? That is, of course, if you can deflate your ego enough to touch ground :rx3:


Bing is the last person on here with a ego.
I think people that feel threatened by someone elses intelligence or well place and assertive views are the ones with ego issues. (We see that often on here)

Personally I think the Iran issue is being pushed because of Israel. Iran is probably Israels most serious threat in the Middle East. Iran has been very open with its intentions to wipe Israel off the map… and these are not idle threats. If Iran develops nuclear capability, Israel is the #1 target… and nukes can accomplish the task rather quickly and without getting into any kind of prolonged engagement with any nations (us/israel). Anyone who knows anything can tell you that the Jewish state has a HUGE influence over the government and political posturing of this country. (Because there are many Jewish leaders in power and they look out for their own)

I don’t think this one is about the oil. Some simpletons in the media say well if theu stopped their program then we are “all good”, no problem, stand down. IDIOTS. So you think that Iran will just forget about it? Umm. Chances of that are slim to none. Sooner or later, Iran will restart or complete their nuclear programs. I think leaders see no way to guarantee the future safety of Ireal other then by eliminating all nuclear weapon construction knowledge in Iran.

Thats the impression I get from current and past politics/events.

You guys see a few months back Israel flew around in Iran then gloated proving that our new radar blocker(thats what we will call it) system for aircraft works against their lame russian air defense radars lol. Thay just bought them IIRC lol i bet they were pissed. Also ill tell you i am also positive Iran wouldnt be able to laubch anythin into Israel without it being shot down in flight. Again we come back to it would have to be smuggled in and then kaplowed. Also +1 for violators claromg up of the ego situation on here.


Yeah, let’s return the the gold standard :bloated:


god forbid our money be worth something, the new world order will fall… libertarians will once again run this country… liberals and conservatives = fascism

The gold standard contributed to the great depression…yeah that’s absolutely something we should get back to


The gold standard contributed to the great depression…yeah that’s absolutely something we should get back to


Or we can go back to the Clinton approach and sit on our asses and do absolutely nothing. I was talking to a friend of mine today. He was reading an article for a paper he is writing for school. It has to do with the amount of spending of Democrat vs. Republican presidents. other than time’s of war, the democrats have spent something like 15% MORE per presidency than Republicans. Gotta love those social handouts. Giving people money to inflate your already inflated egos and get votes. I don’t have the source right now, as I am home. I shall get the sources tomorrow.

I’ll probably read it tomorrow at work since I’ll be hungover and not feeling like doing real work.

As you can guess by that previous comment, I did not read it tonight. :slight_smile:


I’ll probably read it tomorrow at work since I’ll be hungover and not feeling like doing real work.

As you can guess by that previous comment, I did not read it tonight. :slight_smile:


That’s just the Hazelnut talking… Hahahah… Enjoy work tomorrow, sucker!! :wink:


Or we can go back to the Clinton approach and sit on our asses and do absolutely nothing. I was talking to a friend of mine today. He was reading an article for a paper he is writing for school. It has to do with the amount of spending of Democrat vs. Republican presidents. other than time’s of war, the democrats have spent something like 15% MORE per presidency than Republicans. Gotta love those social handouts. Giving people money to inflate your already inflated egos and get votes. I don’t have the source right now, as I am home. I shall get the sources tomorrow.


JEG, I have a bridge to sell you, cheap… :roll2: