Bush thought about sending troops to Buffalo to arrest Lack 5

Example of something Bush did right by ultimately deciding to use the FBI instead.

I still dislike Bush.

Some of these guys are already out, i was reading in the paper. They are from Yemen.

And they say Palestinians are terrorists. Their the ones getting terrorized in occupation.

That would be a scary thing if he did.

Wrong, Israel won that land in a series of DEFENSIVE wars. According to international law they have every right to that land.

yeah the whole random rocket thing into towns isn’t terrorist like. Not saying they all are, but as a always one group ruins it for the rest.

winners write history.

they are both terrorizing each other. it’s just that one side has us to back them up :banghead:


Israel is not innocent by a long shot.

It is true that winners write the history. However, in this case Israel has the right to the land. It was won in defensive wars. And by international law is now the property of Israel. I agree that there are atrocities on both sides. But 1G2GDSM is dead wrong to call it an occupation.

What do you believe their right is to that land? Serious question.

The land that was mislabeled as occupied? This is a moot point. The land was won in a defensive war. Occupied lands construe that the land was won in an offensive war. An example of this would be the axis empire in world war 2. The allied nations had every right to keep German soil after the war. Since it was the Germans who fired the first shot. The land Germany held during that period is an example of “occupied” territory. The land above and beyond what was partitioned for the Jewish state has clearly been won in accordance with international law. it is not occupied territory.

What gave them the right to claim the land in the first place?

Patton and the 3rd Army?

That whole area is so fucked up for so many reasons.

Yes and the creation of Israel is one of those reasons.

dick cheney should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell

The UN calls it an illegal occupation. Not that I support the UN, haha.