bushing removal

Does anyone know if there is a “collar kit” available for S13’s or are you guys making your own to remove bushings. We have a 12 Ton shop press and found that making a top and bottom collar set on the lathe allowed us to remove a complete bushing in just minutes without the drilling/ torching/ sleeve cutting that is often done. So I am wondering if anyone has seen any kits for the S13 that include multiple collars. If not we would have to make up our own set for each different bushing size.

Thanks John

You’ll need to make/find something to do the tension rod bushings. For the rest of the spindle/arm bushings just use two sockets the proper size to push and recieve the bushing. You might have a hard time getting the rear lower control arm ones out, I ended up using the burn/cut method on them. good luck.

Thanks Trevor

I’ll let you know how the TC rod bushings work out.


Same… I use a large set of heavy duty sockets and a shop press for bushings. I even have one for the tc rod. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

one word, “fire”. i know its messy but burning them out is the best way. bushings are usually rusty and seized in the arm(s). they can bend in a press.


like an Energy suspension Master bushing kit? Google+that phrase you’ll find it…