Busted Doing 144mph


fast forward it to around 6min mark



what a lucky bitch, wow

yeah I love the scream he lets out when he almost gets creamed by the semi


HAHAHAHA,reminds me of the time i got busted b state. I was going 112 around a corner on the way to jersey and low and behold there were two staets talking to eachother,slammed on the brakes a lil bit and one guy jumped in the middle of the highway waving his hands,GF was asleep at the the time and when he pulled me over anour 2 miles later she woke up and asked what happened,at that exact moment the officer said he got me at “around” 96 in a 55…hahahahahahaha… Let me go with a ticket and heavy points!

not my proudest moment. Adenaline is a heavy drug, I guess.
I had to pull that vid down as my court day approached. It’s all a done deal now so:
Consider this a fine example of what not to do.


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Close call. Sorry to see your misfortune. It’s hard to keep your foot out of it on I-44 when you’re driving a Charger and traffic is thin.

Holy crap! Lucky man.

page you requested is no longer avaliable… crap… rehost? durkA

this was from 06, duurrr

same flix new link…

damn you def got lucky.
