butthole going the wrong way on the 33 tonight

^^^^ holy suburbanite batman!!!

haha, maybe. but i wouldnt fuck with the guy. theres obviously something seriously wrong with him.


I have seen this happen.
I saw the aftermath of something like this once too

Heading back from NYC a few years back saw what was left of a car that hit a semi head on. It was a very flat pile of metal.

:lol: ^^^ :clap:

If I was on the 33 I would have hit him, called the cops and collected.

yeah that would be a nice safe collision

why doesn’t everyone just do that


LOL at your location. And I would just scrape the side not hit head on.

No. You wouldnt.

it would be ur fault as if u were able to only hit his side u would of been able to avoid the accident

would that be related to that gay boy band the backstreet boys?


33 = highway of choice for suburbanite mall employees who go ‘downtown’ to Chippewa to pretend to be ballers. Not to mention it cuts through the hood.

Not a good place to be late at night on a weekend.

33 is always a shit show. I stick to the 198.