buying a new car

Hey all, so I’ve narrowed down my new car selection to a 2007 Honda CRV 2WD EX. So I know I can get 4% interest, so now I need to start the bartering process. I’ve had advice to just cut a check for $4,000 below invoice and just go in and say, “here it’s yours for the taking”, but I wanted to get some more input on how to do this. Keeping in mind I use to work for a dealership, but any advice is appreciated :slight_smile:

All you have to do is this…when they make a retarded offer…all you say is Hey, does it look like I have asshole written on my forehead?!..then get up and start walking away.

^ lol, it also helps that I’m not in a position that I need a new car - so only if the offer is right will i jump on it

Might want to try shooting out emails to the internet sales managers at 3 or 4 dealerships that are close that have what you are looking for on their lot saying you are looking to buy such and such vehicle for x amount this weekend, can you do it. A lot of those guys don’t piss around and will give up pretty damn good deals. Also, it works even better at the end of the month. I’ve personally got some really good qutoes that way and have helped a few other get cars at good deals that way.

Just did that today. I figure I will start the process today so that by the end of the month I may be able to get a pretty good deal. I know what the invoice price is for the vehicle so I’m not willing to go over 3%, but I’m hoping with the 2008’s coming out I can get it for that or below.

cleavage helps, but post pics before you go so we can determine if it is enough. :smiley: :smiley:

walking out and making a big scene in the showroom always gets them down a few more dollars also.

Most new honda sales aren’t really negotiable especially for the CRV :frowning:

^ even if it’s a 2007 with the 08’s on their way?

You prego ? Starting the soccer mom van tradition early?

There’s room to negotiate on hondas, just have to find the right dealers. Went with my father-in-law shopping for a new Ridgeline right around when the 07’s were coming out. Got one dealer to actually go a couple thousand cheaper on a just in 07 model with more options than another dealer was willing to go on a lesser equipped 06. Down in the VA/DC area she should be able to find quite a few dealers willing to talk.

I bought two new Hondas for my mother-in-law and they were negotiable (but they were both Accords).

crv is tough my mom just bought one about 5 months ago just have to shop around dealers she was bouncing between four different ones, good luck

My neighbor just got one last month…said the dealer would not work much at all…small suv’s are in high demand…maybe since it is closer to when the 08’s arrive they might start working a little???

^ that is what I’m hoping for. I’ve gotten a couple email and phone calls from dealers, but I’m not replying just yet.

your not trading in your car are you

if you want to sell your car here is a local board similier to pittspeed but a little harsher lol
try posting it for sale there

^ thanks not only for the website but for the warning as well! ha ha