Buying car/Truck in the US of A

So I was looking at buying a Nissan Titan or a Frontier (If I decide to part out and sell the Spec) and besides saving myself a few thousand Dollars and having AHELLUVALOT more options to choose from if I bought my Truck in the US, is there any difficulty bringing it back over the border and getting it insured up here?

you can prob count on it. I would call a broker. They can let you know if the vehical will be good for out canadian standards but I doubt you will have any problems on a new car like that. The broker will also do all your paper work and get you your form 1 and all the customs BS. Its is pretty much the same thing as importing a car from Japan only your cheaking another box and importation for a states side car. The shitty part is 15 year old cars from Japan we only have to pay like $20 for our form 1 application but for a newer car like this you have to pay I think an extra $209 for your form 1. That is what the bottom of the sheet is always for that never gets filled out on JDM importations. Good luck man. If I were you though I would cheak out come Canadian broker auctions to keep a more open minded option. People always think we have nothing but Adessa auctions are always full of good stuff.

riv list. If the car is on there. It’s allowed over the boarder.

You will save 25% right off the lot, you my have to pay some taxes on it but you will save alot of money. They will just void your warrenty here though…Some thing to think about.

done it already. Need info PM me.

Give this a look.


  • 25% (savings due to market differences)
  • 6% (GST)
  • 6.1% ( Duty if manufactured outside NA)
  • 12% (Exchange rate USD -> CDN)
    0.9% Savings

That’s not including the RIV fees, OOP inspection fees, federal inspection fees, costs associated with getting the car from the US to Canada (driving or shipping), a voided warranty, and your time gathering all the necessary paperwork involved in getting it registered.

The key is to find a car that’s more than 25% cheaper in the US. The market is beginning to correct itself, so that might be tough on new cars these days.

  • Mike

^^^ thats an awesome way to put it!!!^^^

12%CDN to US Dollars hey, .90 to $1.00 US, I have heard of lots of people driving down to the States to buy cars and have brought them back, I really don’ t think that the market is correcting itself all that much I mean, you guys should go on the compared to the website, for the Titan you should see the additional features you can get, and the Frontier here in Canada you can’t even get Leather in it, I could save myself with teh exchange rate alone on a fully loaded Frontier (with Leather) almost $3000.00 that is a significate price difference. Honestly going to the us car websites “building your own” vehicle than going to the Canadian website and doing the same is crazy, then go to to do an exchange rate . I dunno how worth it it would be, but If I can save $3000.00 or more at a US dealership it seems like something to think about. is the EXACT rate. i highly doubt ANY bank or credit card will give the the EXACT rate. they usually put at least two points in their favor so if the market changes they don’t get fucked.

.89, actually. Which works out to 12% the other way. Go to yourself and do the math.

Just for shits and giggles, I just priced out a fully loaded Nismo Frontier Crew Cab 4x4 on both sites. The US site has more options, but I didn’t include them so the vehicles are equal.

$40544 CDN on the site.

$31895 USD on the site.


  • 12% Currency
  • 6.1% Duty
  • 6% GST
  • 600 Fees, Inspections
  • 500 Transportation

Final result: $739 MORE expensive buying it in the US. Add to that, the fact that they’re going to void your warranty, and the whole process will take up a week of your time.

I mean if you want leather that badly, go ahead :roll:

  • Mike

1 - 12% exchange is a low estimate. The bank always sells US$ for higher than the current rate.

2 - The Titan is made in NA - so no extra Duty.

3 - Trucks of any year are allowed to be imported into Canada from the US.

4 - Check with Nissan directly about the warranty. (Dealers can and will outright lie to you in order to get you to buy from them) If it is indeed voided, it would only take one minor problem to screw you over. (4 days after buying my 03 Spec-V I had to bring it back for a new tranny. Mine had a deffective case. How much is a new tranny worth)

5 - You have to pay GST no mater what so its a non-issue and needs to be taken out of the equation if you are indeed buying new.

6 - If you can find a dealer within a days drive, your travel/pickup expences will be minimal. Make a holiday out of it.

So from my point of view, lots of upsides with only one potential doosy of a downside.

Didn’t know that… that takes 6.1% off. Bonus.

I tried doing this with my Infiniti. Nissan Canada does not honor the warranty.

Nope. If the US car is cheaper after currency conversion, you’re paying less GST buying from the US. It has to be in the equation.

If by “minimal”, you mean $500+, then yes. Flight is a few hundred dollars, gas on a 20 hour drive (at LEAST, if you managed to find it in the pacific northwest) is a couple hundred dollars. All your food and other expenses… it adds up.

I don’t see all the upsides you’re referring to except maybe $1,000 off the price. Personally I don’t think it’s worth the hassle and potential warranty issues.

  • Mike

OK, $40544 did not include tax. Your final price DID. Actual cost should be - $43382.08 tax included. - the corrected cost of the US model (no duty) of $37865.74 tax and exchange included for a difference of $5516.336 before any import costs which vary depending on how you choose to get it back here. $1100 if we use your numbers. Makes a savings of $4400.

$4400 sounds good to me. BUT like I said. There is one potential doosy of a downside. (I was implying the warrenty issue)

Err… my bad, forgot the GST there. If you can find a vehicle manufactured in NA, it definitely makes the final price look nicer.

I guess to answer the original question, your biggest hurdle is the warranty. The border and insurance is no big deal… but savings of $4400 is going to cost you a lot of time, and more than likely a lot of grief when it comes time to fixing stuff.

  • Mike


So are you guys telling me that If I bought a car here and then went on a road trip to the USA and my car broke down, they would not honour my warranty?

I didn’t say anything like that. Nor did anybody else that I read. I think what was said (not by me) was that if you were to IMPORT a car from the US the warranty would be voided.

What he said.

So Nissan does this so they can give the Americans a $4000.00 discount over Canadians, but if we try to still buy a car from them , they are pretty much saying “congragulations on the discount, but since you just saved yourself some money we are going to void you warranty even though it’s a new vehicle and you wanted to buy a car from us”. Hmm this makes sense, I love forking out $4000.00 because I’m Canadian.