Buying cars from canada, then importing them.

I found some good deals in Canada and was wondering what the process is to import them?

I found some answers online but nothing definitive. Person experience would be greatly appreciated.

I’ve done it. Just need 2 pieces of documentation; letters from the canadian counterpart of that manufacturer. letter of compliance and a letter that it is free of recalls. Also have to change the speedo to MPH

Like prior to the importation you need to swap the speedometer?

And how hard is it to obtain those letters?

takes 5 min. google the number, give them the vin, they fax you the letters. yes, speedo needs to be swapped prior to importation

i’m pretty sure that the entire process & specs have been posted, on this site, many times.

my uncle sold a car to a guy in canada…so it was opposite, but he said it was soo much hassle, and he would never do it agian.

So let me get this strait.

Prior to buying a car from Canada:

  1. Letter of compliance from the manufacturer, saying the car is legit to run on U.S. road
  2. Letter of compliance from the manufacturer, saying the car is free of recalls
  3. Buy a US(MPH) speedometer

Buying a car from Canada:

  1. Pay guy money
  2. Get title, and bill of sale
  3. Swap cluster over

Post buying a car from Canada:

  1. Tow car to customs
  2. Fill out paper work and pay taxes
  3. Enjoy car


Never had to swap the speedometer on the Geo Tracker I bought in Ontario and imported to NY. That was back in 1998 or 99 though.

It had the DOT sticker on the car already, but not the EPA one. $45 and a fax from GM stating it was EPA certified and that was taken care off. If the vehicle has both the DOT and EPA stickers I was told you can simply bring it across with nothing more than a bill of sale.

The little trucklette was built in Canada so under NAFTA there was no duty paid. :tup:

I did however have to pay sales tax at US customs. I would have had to pay it at the DMV had it been purchased in NY so it wasn’t like it cost me anything extra. In fact, the guy at customs wrote down the wrong purchase price on the DMV form and used that wrong number when he punched it into the calculator so I ended up saving a bunch of money on the sales tax. :slight_smile:

Yea my friend never had to swap speedos, this was last year and the owner dropped it off at his house but he still had to take it back to the border when the time came to register it and he still paid around $500 just to register it and so on for a $3k car.

DOES NOT take 5 minutes, especially if this is for a VW…

Took me awhile to get through to them and obtain the letter of compliance. If the car was manufactured in Mexico (mine was), then you will NOT have to pay duty when bringing it across the border.

Not a problem with swapping gauge clusters, the MPH are listed on the inner ring.

Things you will need:
-To obtain transport plates (unless you are carrying it on a trailer)
-Insurance proof
-Bill of Sale

IIRC the woman I spoke to at VW that eventually made the situation work for me was named Nancy Smith. She was very helpful and dedicated to helping me out.

If you need anything else let me know.

Actually the place I’m considering buying the car from is a dealership and they said they’d deal with all the shipping BS.

Its a 2001 Jetta TDI GLS, 145k on the car, New timing belt+water pump, leather ect. For $3800 USD.

But thank you woode!

are u keeping the fbod then?

Unless someone offers me what I’m asking. Yes.

I have the money to buy this TDI on the side and have both cars.

my cluster had mph’s on the inner as well. they wouldn’t let me import the car without the main numbers being mph. i had to go outside in the 40 degree weather and swap clusters in the dark.

The place I’m buying from said they’d take care of everything…

Is that good?

Out of curiousity what year was this in? And perhaps you got worked :confused:

I still have a copy of my letter of conformity, and it states:
-The speedometer must be capable of being read in miles per hour
-The odometer must be labeled, in this case, it is sufficient to be labeled in kilometers
-The dashboard brake warning light and anti-locking brake system warning light, if applicable, must be marked “BRAKE” and “ABS” in letters at least 1/8 inch high (I think I got away with this one…)

And yes that is good sobo, but that is also very very cheap

this was in 07 (or whatever year we had the october storm).

wouldn’t really call it “worked.” took me ten minutes to install the cluster, which I brought with me just in case.


hmm been trying to import a rhd to buffalo might just use my uncle address