So I was doin my turbo and rear seal and found the clutch needs to be done. So my question is:
Is there any clutches from other cars work on a CA? I saw somewhere that you can use a ka24de one but it wasnt a super reliable source. If you can use it, what kind of power can a stock ka clutch handle?
u can use ka but u need to get stuff machined for it to fit! i recomend getting one from japan! OS gikken
or OGURA they are GOOD clutches!
I just put a Spec Stage 4 in my car and I’m loving every minute of it, mind you its a little tricky to get used to cause of the harsh engagement but oh well.
I can get spec clutches for a reasonable price if you want PM me
u can use ka but u need to get stuff machined for it to fit!
What do I have to get machined? Last i heard it was the alignment pin holes. I would like to get the car back on the road soon, so I’m just goin to get a oe one. I wont br building serious power for a year or 2 so ill worry about upgrading then. I just need to get the car back on the street.
K well i went and got a KA24DE clutch, and it works! All i had to do was ream out 2 aligning holes and add one. Other than that the thing is identical to the CA one. Pedal’s a little easier to push but she works nice and grabs decently. only time will tell i guess.