ca18det tranny and diff fluid lucas vs others?

k so i gotta put some fresh tranny fluid in the s13 , and replace the back seal where the drive shaft meets up . so i did the fluid last yr im pretty sure … put in royal purple notchy after 500 kms boo. flush out put in lucas 75w90 in the tranny and its been nice … its seen a good season of thrashing and held up . ive been hearing mixed reviews on redline mt90 any input? and it seems i have to special order it in most places here in hamilton. so i wanna hear some input on what others are running both trans and diff.

Im also interested, just got the car so cant hurt to put all new fluids…

redline kicks ass, smooths the tranny right out. feels nice, same goes with royal purple

Where in the GTA can i get Redline ? any suggestions on diff fluid?