(CAD)Server Setup Help v.2


ok, I was able to get what was suggested in the above thread working 100%, no problems.

I just got some software that I want to use, but I must have a licence server setup to make the software work. The Server machine is a P3 733HMZ 256meg ram

I know it wont work if I’m just sharing between computers… it asks for a domain and port for access to the licence and I haven’t been able to figure out how to set that up. (FLEXLM)

can anyone help me out? Some basic steps I need to take when setting something like this up? Or is there a wizard for doing something like this? Also, how will the user computer connect to it? will the server be the internet server aswell?

I have a linksys router BTW


oh, and both computers are running XP pro

least my router is getting use lol

lol hells yeah… although I had ALOT of trouble using it at the new place. As it turned out, the MAC address wasnt registered thru TW, so I cloned my NIC cards MAC address on the router, but then I needed to spoof the mac address on my PC so it wasnt the same as the routers (it wasnt working with both of them being the same) lol took me an hour to two atleast to realize that :stuck_out_tongue:

thats weird, i had that hooked up to TW for the longest time with no problems at my work

yeah, it is strange… we even had it running ok at my old place with no problems like that. it may be a new thing that TW is doing or something