Cage legality on Ontario streets

Chad, that’s the exact reason why I need to find the CORRECT information. For example, I now carry around a print out of the HTA regarding the “Right Hand Drive Sticker”. I got pulled over about a month ago around 2:30am, when I was the only one around - I expected it. Really nice guy, asked about the car, mentioned the exhaust but didn’t complain about it’s excessive noise. After going through a small debate about RHD vehicles I showed him the HTA printout on that charter and he agree’d even though he was uneducated on the point. The lady office who gave me the charge was just flat out rude, which is why I now carry that around.

This goes for the same reasoning behind needing to know the EXACT and CORRECT information about the legality of a caged vehicle on Ontario streets. I like having my bases covered. Even if I were to get hassled for it and get a ticket, I have a great lawyer in the family and as long as it actually is legal than I don’t mind, I have time to spare. I live a student life, I’m up till about 5 in the morning anyways.