Honestly if it is illegal I think it’s probably one of the dumbest things, how is making your car more safe in case of a roll over bad?
Hmmm…if he rolls his car on the highway he won’t kill himself and anybody that is in the car at the time and we won’t have to pay out a huge settlement for a death. Lets raise his premium.
Because every Tom, Dick and Harry with a bender and welder thinks they know what they’re doing. They think their cages are safe, they think their welding is good. Just adding random bars to the interior of a car does not always make it safer.
In the last few years, I seen some cars with the most hideous shit. Bars that I’m sure would come apart in the event of a crash.
What do you think a 1.5" bar would do to a skull if it’s rattling around the interior of a car during a collision?
The cage is an OEM option on the GT3 RS. Color matched and the option of a matching fire extinguisher. I have also seen a fair share of daily driven Porsche’s with a cage.
Oh, that’s cool about the RS. I wonder if the cages are dealer installed or do they come caged from the factory. Maybe it’s only the US models then that don’t come with a factory cage option.
another issue that authorities have with cages in cars is extrication. ems/fire will have a very difficult time getting a broken body out through a maze of tubes
the way I personally see the legality of a cage: it can’t affect or detract from any other legally prescribed operation of the vehicle in any way.
Cages can be 100% legal if their of proper build and are certified/signed off on by a tech official at Mosport for example. Once they confirm the cage is proper you can then take their info to a license MTO shop for a regular safety and they look for 3 things…
1 ) You can get in and out in easily
2 ) No Bars can block or obstruct your vision through any windows or mirrors
3 ) “If you have manual windows” you must still be able to roll the window up/down easily without any bars getting in the way.
So if you get approval on the cage build and then the car itself passes a normal safety without the cage interfering etc… then you’re 100% legit and even if a cop did give you a ticket it would be dropped in court instantly since you’ve went out everything legally vs illegally.
As well, this is all stated in the MTO Highway Traffic Act in regards to adding Bars or Safety Tubes to a Vehicle. I’ve posted links online to it before but I’m not in the mood to be searching for it now.
sweet! yes we need links! also how would u go about getting the caged signed off by a tech official at mosport? im assuming theres also cage specs? for them to certify it…
Well pardon my french but your an idiot if your doing a word search for bar, tube or cage and actually expect to find anything.
But since your unable to do the reading yourself I suppose I shell do it for you.
102 - “Regulations, safety devices” - designating devices and designating an organization to test and mark its approval of any device so designated, and prohibiting the incorporation or use in or on a vehicle of any device so designated that is not marked as approved by the testing organization."
So as I said, you can add a Roll Cage as long as its been approved by a designated organization such as the tech guys @ mosport.
Then, from there the MTO will make sure the Cage does not interfere with the driver via a basic safety. If they car passes then you can legally use the Cage on the road. Unless of course you are now going to argue that a Roll Cage does not fall into the category of being a “Safety Device” ?
Yes, that is the whole point. The MTO wants to ensure that the Cage does not interfere with the use of the Vehicle etc… Can you easily get in and out of the car, or is it hard to do because you have to climb over and through bars ? Do any of the Bars block your mirrors or vision through windows “their for, creating blind spots”. Does the cage interfere with opening and closing the doors or rolling the windows up and down etc… ?
These are things they want to know and see you do in order to determine if the cage is interfering or not. In the sense of a Rear 4pt setup their would be nothing in the front of the car to block you from getting in and out or using the windows etc… You would just have to make sure the rear stays and bracing do not completely block your sight through the rear view mirror.
but the way you wrote “in regards to adding Bars or Safety Tubes to a Vehicle” in capitals made it seem like those were the official words to search for
you very conveniently omitted the opening line of section 102. thereby taking it completely out of context
the actual statute reads
(1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations,
(b) designating devices and designating an organization to test and mark its approval of any device so designated, and prohibiting the incorporation or use in or on a vehicle of any device so designated that is not marked as approved by the testing organization.
may make regulations.
please show us the HTA Regulation that says you can have a cage legalized and approved in any sort of official manner, by any sort of officially designated person