Cages, androids, callouts and puppies? Go on... [split]

So going 60-150 bombs down highway, with ditches, trees, etc that would fold that car into a pretzel is a better idea?

I honestly see a car with that much power being FAR less safe on the road VS on a track. Less traction, MORE room for error to get into a wreck, and MORE obstacles/surface contours that could cause that little car to fly through the air.

how is it any less safe than driving a crotch rocket. I think you assume a risk in any car doing 150mph on the streets even with a cage. When this car was built there were many talks about a cage but we decided against it for several reasons.

Do a roll bar mang

what if you get locked inside the cage and cant find the key??

Hes just lookin out for you dude, you dont want a cage dont cage it lol… Driving a crotch rocket is always more dangerous, dont know why that would matter though? If they made something that would help you NOT die while doing 150mph while on one I think most would go for it lol… Not having a cage in a 1000whp car driven on the street is way WAY more dangerous then not having one, ANYONE who dissagrees is just an idiot.

If you dont have a roll cage to save your life from the 8 flips you just did, getting locked in the cage isnt a variable.

Still is wayyyy underbuilt for what the car can do on the track. And a 2 point anything isnt going to do much anyways in a roll over… hence the slow et for the roll bar requirement.

Apples to oranges. I assume the risk walking down the street every day… doesnt make a lick of difference. Do what ya want. remember this all stemmed off a “slicks N skinneys bringing it to the track” post. If you wanted to “assume the risk” on the street I see a contradiction here.

One of the few replies to this thread that are logical and actually correct in theory. LOL

no relevence to this thread but just thought this video was insane. 0:50


Correct. I am not here to start a battle, infact I said in my first post…

"Not bashing the car at all, its sick and top notch…Stay safe man, dont push your luck with the car too much. GL and be careful. "

I dont want to see him or anyone get hurt.

Unless you are gumby or Kramer with a 10’ neck, the cage is 6" behind you, and the edge of the tubing closest to you is usually no more than 2-3" away from the inside edge of the cabin of the car. (unless your are in a 25.5 cage!) So in a wreck on the street (no helmet), if your head swings around enough to hit the bars, without a cage chances are you would have just bashed your head off the inside of the cars shell anyways!

The only thing proven thus far is that you will be decapitated by a windshield if you drive a miata and roll it.

Roll bars for 11.49-9.99. 9.99 pretty quick id say.

I understand the safety and concern thanks but a cage is just not practical in this car. very tight space to make one
and also to retain convertible status.

Youre also not a little dude

No doubt.

Seems like you out built the practicality of the car huh! :rofl

Just do a simple 4 point roll bar behind the seats. No need for an in-cabin cage.

no need to worry mike is gonna drive it at the track being that hes shorter he will just duck…

Fuck roll cages. This isn’t some jungle gym, grade school joint, this is man pants S2000.

My friend told me he didnt feel safe in my 100% stock S2K and asked what happens if we roll. My reply: We’re fucked.

Smart people ride crotch rockets with full gear around them trying to have as much protection as possible for that “oh shit” moment.

Dumb people dont.

Only thing that you’re proving is the fact that you have no concept of safety and can’t follow a direct logical path.

And how is that?

How do you even draw.your conclusions? You posted up some pics of a miata getting destroyed. A miata is not an s2000. I the respond saying that an s2k holds up better. That’s about the only thing I have posted in this thread. But somehow you draw some conclusion about me not understanding safety? Really? I had a one sentence response.