Cages, androids, callouts and puppies? Go on... [split]

Similar to DynoFlash Al, there is no winning an argument with Cliff-even if presented with cold, hard facts.

Ok, I’m back. Car held up fine because it’s actually slow as shit and only complete retards can screw up driving badly enough to flip an s2k. Saw a Miata on the way and asked the dude driving if he wanted to try and settle this but he was too busy SUCKING A DICK.

What cold hard facts? Please tell me… I said one fucking thing and then it turned into this. S2000s windshield will hold up better than a miata in a rollover. That’s my only point. That’s it!!! Nothing else.

My gold fish didnt even get jostled

i feel perfectly safe in Lconrads 1105rwhp Supra

I feel like I am driving a pepsi can in my civic

atleast its a recycled pepsi can. GO GREEN!!

this is true, but in order to be legit at the dragstrip, i need a cage. lets also not overlook that it is just plain safe to have one. thats why ill eventually put one in.

How did you feel driving in my pepsi can?

Or, overlook the fact that you’ve been tollin’ me for months now and I finally called you on it. See ya in the rearview!

Oh dang

I still have recurring nightmares of the night you took me for a ride in your coupe.


no seat belt

15 year old honda seat

unpadded roll bar 6" from my head

ahhh, youth.

CLIFF Go run outside turn the video camera on. Climb on top of the windshield frame of your S2K with 5 other friends and jump up and down on it for us. That might be like 1000lbs, should more than support you guys right? If you are so confidant in the car, go prove it.

Also the pic of the white one, I also assume she was going 60mph or so. Double that speed, double the force, more than double the deflection on the metal once it starts to bend. <- RED LINE Then add another 20-30 mph on top of that, <- WHITE LINE and see what forces the car has to with stand to keep you from looking like a Goomba after Mario jumps on your head. ANNND again, that was a stuff in some dirt and grass, not 6 inches of concrete and asphault! Leaving nothing but the car to absorb the impact.

My little MS paint description might help. Keep in mind as the center caves, the sides fold in too, and will fold back a bit too I assume.

KK’s last comment. I am done with the ignorance in this thread.

The roll cage gave me an oh shit handle to hold onto in your car

Kk, not like I give a fuck about this whole thread because I will most likely not be putting a cage in my jeep either but if you crash at 120 and flip over with a cage your dead most likely. People die in car accidents at 50mph.

Point being, if you crash at 120 mph your going to be dead or a vegetable… Cage or not.

If you smash your head on the cage without a helmet on the street it won’t be pretty

Okay, so what are you trying to prove? What exact part of your debate proves me wrong? Do you even know what im debating? Should I reiterate my point?

Im going to say this one last time. I don’t give aa flying fuck if the car flies upside down from outerspace launched from the moon by a transformer and lands in your front fucking yard directly on the a pillar. That s2000 will do better than the miata. THAT’S MY ONLY ARGUMENT. s2000 has a stronger a pillar than a miata. Fuck. Again… before you respond I DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT SCENARIO YOU PULL OUT YOUR ASS… IT COULD BE 2MPH OR 2000MPH… AN S2000 WILL HOLD UP BETTER THAN A MIATA.

Exactly!!! I am NOT saying that an s2000 is by any means safe… im not saying dick about cages. Im only saying id rather roll an s2000 at any speed crash compared to a miata. So please tell me… looking at all pictures posted… if you had to choose what stock vehicle to roll over at 50mph… a miata s2000… what one would you rather be in?

Sbardys jeep.

Me and Mark already proved that the s2000 held up far better then a Miata in a high speed roll over test. The guy in the miata died as soon as he hit 37mph