Calgary Alberta: observations by an Ontarian

your right, the BC car scene is crazy for sure… and I didn’t mean to imply that the alberta scene is just getting started, just that for drifting/lapping, they don’t seem to have as many events per year as we do. (eg. Dip, CSCS, D-ops, DriftStar, etc.)
As for cost of living, yes it is the same as in TO. I got a sweet gig though, renting out a room for dirt cheap… So i have very little expenses, especially since my car stayed in Ontario lol. But you do have a way higher earning potential, and jobs are EVERYWHERE.
Food/Gas/Utilities are the same as in Ontario. I’m here, I see it. gas was at 0.799 today. Bread cost $1.49, and milk is under $5. Timmies has interac here, and liquor/beer is sold 24/7 by privatized esablishments :wink: