rent these days

what are your peoples opinions about the inflated rental rates in the past 3-4 years? do any of you guys remember the time when you were able to afford to pay an apt. rent on a minimum wage job. What kind of an economy is it where people need to split the costs with a roomie
just to get by. f****** outrageous.

i moved back in with my mummy. :drinkers:

Its crazy. Welcome to the forum btw. What city are you in? My roomie is buying a house soon and will be renting rooms/basement for cheap.

Get a better job, Welfare is always an option.

Welfare is a Joke, no one in alberta should need to go on it. if you need a job, in edmonton just stand in a Business section of edmonton, turn 360° and you will find at least 2 job openeings in that area

i love the prices down in edmonton, waayyyy cheaper than yellowknife. . .

jobs are the shit in alberta,no education :oops: ,slack work and more pay compared to most other provinces downside is if you dont want to work you get screwed…i just feel sorry for the less fortunate who might not be physically or mentally able to benefit. :rolleyes:

yes that is so true

What’s the downside?

What’s the downside?[/quote]

ummm if you dont want to work/unable to work…you make no money…and if you have no money you cant afford things that are more money in the alberta economy because it is so high…unless you sell drugs.
Therefore you will have to pay more and get less.
Thats my shitty explanation for my reasoning,any further questions?

hahaha what?

I am sorry but this really bugs me. If you don’t want to work you should be living on the streets and not being able to afford anything.

This is a different story. Unable people should be on disabilty (or something simmilar) which can still net you a decent life, nothing spectacular but it should be enough to get by.

I hear AISH is pretty hard to get by on Rob.

Depends on how you live. I know of a family (3 people) that are getting by on it just fine. Granted they rent a small place and don’t have a car but they make due.

LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS!!!..there’s nothing wrong with a roomie, if you can’t afford a car payment, then get a used car. Steak is expensive, eat ground beef! MGD is great, but you get twice as much beer if you get black label…i’m paying a grand a month for rent, back in newfoundland i’d be lucky to clear that much income in a month! Albertians(sp?) don’t realize how good they have it! Back home your considered lucky if you get $7/hr, most people only get $6, and you’ll never get overtime. And generaly you gotta slave for that, you slack off and there’s 10 other people waiting for your job…i’m making three times that up here and i can slack off all i want, leave early, come in late, don’t come in at all, argue with the boss, etc…i need new boots, coveralls, gloves, hell even a new $2000 welding helmet, i got it next day!

There are very few places in the world where the employer needs the employee more than the employee needs the job! This is of course mainly in the case of those without post secondary education, but then again they get triple the pampering here too!

Thats my rant, just another poor newf cashing in on the “canadian dream” haha…

I totally agree with you. I just wish my boss understood this all. Of all the guys I went to school with for my first year mechanics, they are ALL making at least 2-3/hour more than me.