Caliber SRT-4

wow i had no idea about this car before since i had never heard of it, so i was reading the description and got pretty excited because the numbers sounded pretty good…

but then…

i scrolled down to the pictures… :frowning: not what i was expecting… looks kinda fugly to me which makes it disappointing

hopefully this stays priced reasonably

What the hell is wrong with American companies. A car should be fast and look good, not one or the other.

I’ve heard that they have totally ditched the awd idea for it.

2 x :tdown:


the neon SRT4 wasn’t exactly ugly, and they sold like hot cakes… this thing will not sell, though thats a decent motar

as a true mopar guy, i gotta admit…dodge has been F*cking up a lot of cars latey. serriously now…A WAGON!!! the wagon thing works for a WRX…not this.

o yeah i gotta admit, those rims do look sexy though…err i mean they would look sexy on a certain black and red Dakota R/T that i kno of hehe

Saw it at the Car Show… :tdown:

I actually like it.

This vs a fucking HHR?

Hands down, this

its sad that you have to compare it to the 2nd ugliest car on the market

I still like it

more than a Neon? Seriously though…

This thing is gonna end up making alot of tire smoke and going nowhere.

Is death a third option?

Don’t forget the Scion Box-Mobile. We can have an ugly-ass-car contest to see who is overall crappy.

wow, what a shitwagon. major mistake making it look like a magnum made a bastard love child with a durango. im in the same boat as duece

my feelings exactly, bro

so it makes 85 more hp than the srt-4, but is slower? this thing must be a pig. i dont think those brakes are on there for performance, they are on there to stop that fucking bus.


me and jordan (turbotsi) were the first people to drive the calibers in the northeast…we drove the concepts back here from rochester last week. those still aren’t the finished models yet, but it is kinda chintsy. BUT, for the 14K price tag on those things, its a pretty good price, especially the one jordan had with heated seats, 17" wheels, and nav…

I like the look of the car if you consider it a mini-Magnum. But to call that a performance car doesn’t fly with me.


like 7K less than the Neon?

Neons are 21k? I thought the srt-4’s were. Unless that’s what you meant.