So many places for fucking campers in these levels
spencer whats ur online name?
I miss my noob tube. grenade launchers in BO are horrible. you have to practicly have a direct hit in orer for them to be effective.
Whats your new strategy?
Learning how to use a gun to shoot people lol
Even the rocket launchers need to be a dead on hit
I love people that hate it because it isn’t the same as MW2. It’s a different game, get over it. Stop trying to play it like it’s mw2 and maybe you’ll actually do better. I love the fact that no one is hiding inside of glitched out rocks or doing quick-scope crap.
Remember when MW2 came out and all the “hardcore gamers” thought it was such a pile of shit? They all thought that MW1 was way better. Many still do.
The only thing I wish that they would do better in any of these games is matchmaking. I think it was halo 2 that only put you against people within 2-3 levels of your current skill level, so each match (90% of the time) was competitive and not a complete blowout with 1-2 people dominating the entire game. If you lost games, your level went down and you still were placed against people around your level. I feel like this could be easily done in this game since it keeps track of every single possible statistic ever.
I only say this because i played a match last night where 2 guys ranked around 40 dominated, and 2 were so new to the game they had to keep switching their look inversion to decide which was better for them. That shit is lame if you’re stuck in the middle with the new guys on your team and a contract or two to finish off.
lol, my current fav setup in MW2 was akimbo uzi’s however nothing beats a camping sniper better then a noob tube hit in the near vasinity. I have yet to use a sniper rifle in all the 26+days of logged time in MW2. I generaly have a blast when i can run around and gun people down, however if im getting blaster by campers on the other side of the board or by other noob tubers i whip out the gernade launchers.
ps3: wongger haha add me
Black ops is FAR better then MW2, Although the graphics are one step back, they have taken quite a bit of noobieness out of the game.
One claymore instead of unlimited.
Noob Tubes are terrible.
No fucking commando lunge from 30 ft away.
and no one man army bull shit.
Black ops added sweet shit like the cross bow, and theater mode.
and you can still quick scope in blackops just takes a while to get used to.
Black ops multiplayer is fucking terrible though, it constantly kicks people from parties and its hard to find a game some times. (if they fixed the menu it would fix alot of problems)
IMO Black ops is a big step forward.
I was having an awful time getting games going (especially big team games), and even though i never had a problem running my wireless before i decided to hardwire my xbox to the router. Instant change. Games pop up right away and very rarely have problems. So if you are wireless and can try out wired, give it a shot.
yeah u pretty much cant join a game if you have more than 2 ppl in your party. You have to have those 2 ppl join and then join the game as spots open up.
ak47 and kiparis are fucking boss.
I should be presitged by tonight or tomorrow lol. im level 45
also, the wager match gun game stuff is awesome, you guys should definitely try it out if you havent yet
Ak74u is beast mode! and the Galil is pretty kickass.
I’m wired and I can’t join any games without losing atleast one person in the party.
I just prestiged last night, kinda sucks, but the extra class is nice to have.
Anyone else only playing on nuketown? I can’t find a lobby that doesn’t just play nuketown over and over!
i played nuketown atleast 10times in a row today, i had to leave the game because i wanted to kill myself (in real life)lol.
G11 is pretty dope too
Fucking nuketown with grenade spammers everywhere.
still gay…makes me want to punch a baby
dont have it yet.still playin cod mw2 ps3 sn traydogg6969
Honestly i feel that black ops is a bit more refined, Treyarch took out the annoying things like throwing grenades across the map, the noob tube, quick scoping. In the time i have spent playing it i really enjoyed it, but then again i had a great time on mw2 last night.
Originally i thought black ops to be better, but i am now undecided