Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

new maps???

Apparantly there is a map pack out already?

WAT. Googling now.


It says Spring 2010 Vlad…

Yeh d00d i got really excited.


I saw something in downloads thought that’s what it was.

Cocaine is a hellova drug. :ahh

Bakerian we gotta do more spec ops! That was fun.

how do you do two player spec ops?

Spelling was correct.

Was wicked fun, I’m down for laters, 7-7:30pm or so. Fuckin AC130 mission.

Thanks for leaving me stranded in the heat of a battle brahhhh

I sucked today. Average for the day 1-1.

But had am absolute blast with fast unlimited running with dual 1800’s shottys. :lol

Had one of my best games on Domination a couple nights ago. I had a 21 kill streak and went 22-2. I really thought I was going to get the nuke but then I got the game willing kill.

Told ya that owns.

jimmerz1976 or 76 on steam… cant remember my user name at the moment lol

Added you on Steam. I dont have MW2 on Steam, yet. But I do CS:S.

need some cars

singh336 <<gamertag

look for me online dustin, stupidhicks is the name. ill add you up. then knife you :smiley:

i’ll add u, can u send me somecars?

uhhhh excuse me sir… I don’t think you belong here

stfu i need a hynunnundai

which map was that on?

can’t remember… we gotta get a serious game going one of these nights. Ive been playing with cliff and some of his boys who are real good, prophet isn’t bad, my brother is decent, and my brothers co worker is pretty nasty. I was playing capture the flag last night and that was pretty fun.