Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

ill go on and swap some call signs back and forth call my cell when your going on

:rofl I am actually going to REP you for this shit :lol:lol

**EDIT I guess not. Says I need to “spread REP around” before giving it to JClark again :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

I’m still laughing, just watched it twice.


That dude is such a dick. I love it.

I know, the slick speedy gonzales moves making them all dizzy only to toss a sticky at the back of their head :rofl

PS3 for me… i play with justin and jvg all the time

gamer tag = crazybrew609

Call signs?

I threw a grenade and shot an rpg… they went off at the same time and I killed four people at once, I was pumppped

Not bad.

I’m finding out some of the Titles are nearly impossible to get or will take forever.

I’m only half way through to calling in 1000 UAV’s/Counter UAVS, and only @ 200 for re-supplys and only @ 100 out of 1000 for Helicopters.

Plus reflecting 10,000 bullets with the riot shield or shooting down 500 helicopters with the rocket launcher are just silly.

Call Signs=Titles. Ill join opposing team meet you in corner. LOL I see people doing it all the time

My surround sound is border line cheating I have caught over a dozen people trying to sneek up on me from behind. Things is dead accurate to location front back or left right.

my ps3 is setup on my parents tv because its 40inches and 1080p… but i use to lovvvvve playing resistance fall of man with my surround sound.

I just hooked mine up through HDMI. I thought I would have to use the tvs speakers, so I didnt do it sooner. Turns out as you set it up, you have the option for it to output sound through HDMI cable or the regular cable… So I could have had this hooked up baller like months ago… :facepalm

Yah… thats exactly how I use to have mine setup

Anybody got any cool rare titles yet?

just the m4a1 title… im 15 head shots away from having the gun completely unlocked

Got Grim Reaper tonight, 5 kills with one predator missle. I lol’ed.

god damnnn