Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Pffft, n00b shit. :tongue

That’s all nub shit! Vlad is mad when I get titles he doesn’t have. :rofl

I got the achievement where you hit a guy directly with a frag grenade lastnight.

Is there a list somewhere in the interwebZ with all the titles/emblems available?

Quick search - no luck

:rofl FUUUU I was really proud of myself!


Really? :wow

google mw2 titles and click the wiki page

what makes it really easy is you can call two predators in one game and as long as the kills TOTAL 5 from both you get it.

Aw weak! I did it the hard/awesome way. :frowning:

Time for you to get “Behind enemy lines”

I swear I’ve done that before…

What’s the best way to start over in multiplayer without Prestige’ing? New gamertag, delete game files/hdd?

I want to beat Vlad’s KDR so I’m going to cheat. :shifty

What is everybody’s KTD right now?

1.5 for me, level 42.

1.2 or something.

Level 63 i think? Prestiged, going onto Prestige 2?

1.05 Level 70 of 1st Prestige. and a 17.81% accuracy.

I had a double kill with a knife today which I thought was awesome. Unfortunatly there was no Title, emblem or challenge for it which was dissappointing

double kill with the knife is weak… gotta get that triple kill like me haha jk
but that is disappointing that their isnt a challenge for that

Not killing two people in a row. Two people one stab and I think it was a stroke of luck.

oh shit thats crazy:lol

i just prestiged :cry

i witnessed the double kill with one stab and it was unreal to say the least

WTF, you need another XBL account to play with a diff gamertag?

WEAK. How do I go back and pwn noobs?