Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

:rofl YYESSSSS I love people like you that just spray bullets while I stab you in the vagina.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ahahaha but im not spraying bullets im actually hitting them in the torso so thats what gets me pissed

ALWAYS aim for the face. Always.

XBL… TopDeadCenter

XBL ftw!

See you around.

I love joining in with other people but not being on their party so I can get matched against them. They usually drop the “vlad the camper” routine after I stab them a dozen times.

Right Bakerian? :lol

PS3 for me.

Vlad is just mad when I own him, he enjoys playing against me for some reason.

I love killing friends.

Hate being killed by friends. :shifty

Benny i cant wait to shoot you in the face.

and i cant wait for you to miss and for me to kill you by spraying your knees with my hellish AUG rounds.

we will soon see benjamin

not soon enough whatever your name is

Name is Matt nice to meet you


I started playing campaign recently on highest skill level.

It’s actually a very well crafted story line.

Bakerian we gotta finish spec ops.

Well hello Matt, congratulations on becoming my nemesis.

ITs on dude

My last game last night, I went 4 kills, 11 deaths.

what whaaat

beat that.

I wish more of you guys played CS.

benny you are my friend on xbl BTW

So who wants to have my crate dropped on their heads so I can get that title? :lol