Cant wait ot get my xbox back… So when are we going to have a shift free for all??
You dont get enough ammo with the Scar. Been using the ACR or the AK. ACR is money, little recoil.
ACR and the Desert Eagle are my jam.
JVG, I see you beat my killstreak, 33. I didn’t think anyone on my friends list would be able to top it.
Use scavenger.
I haven’t got the ACR yet, but I have been cleaning house with the Scar. Damage/Red Dot, Sit Rep, etc etc.
Up to a 1.4 KTD and my last game yesterday was a 31-3.
Wait till oyu start playing with people who are prestige 3-4.
Yea I am only a 38 right now. Don’t you get mixed in with all of the classes when you play?
I was killing it in Free-For-All. Usally its Mercenary TDM for me, but FFA had me going last night.
You wont get mixed with anyone higher than Prestige 1.
Ah. I was unaware of this.
Haven’t really played in almost two weeks, but that’ll change soon. I’ll be on 360 within the next few days.
I really dig the other perks tho.
I just hit level 70 and prob wont Prestige for awhile if at all. Will I only get games with high Prestige people now? Every so often its really nice to drop into a game of 20-somethings and burn the house down.
dude wtf
I just got to the point where I’m not the most horrible person in the room, and love running over people that suck more than I do.
jclark86 brah.
I usually only play after 10pm after the 14yr olds go to bed. Not only are they good but they camp worse than Vlad. :shifty
Any PS3 guys want to sell this game for cheap/donate to research?
i just picked it up last week so i still basically suck ass but shits still fun as hell. I’ve been camping a bit lately to try to open up some weapons b/c Im not a big run and gun type game person… I like the more tactical aspects… sniper. Cant wait til I get the ACR. It was my favorite in the camaign.
Shit is so addicting. I think my g/f is starting to regret buying this for me.
i’m on ps3 letting boxersix take turns killing noobs
99frc, Kenny, you guys on XBL or ps3?
Hey, gotta admit me setting up five sentry guns in under a minute was fucking dope. Mowed down some odd 15 of those 21 kills in the last minute of that round.
i love this game haha, so glad the xbox isnt going back with my brother to college. but the one thing i hate is that i ALWAYS get stabbed when im shooting somebody like 5 feet away from me… sooooo gayyyy