Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

you did not say merk just now

just got 5 grenade launches through people in one game hahaha

noob tuber

i know i hate it when people use the noob tube. i was only using it because i was trying to get some kills with the fal so i can ge the red dot

yea ive been using it to unlock the shotgun

Hardcore lately FTW!

Care package glitch gets old.

Regular care pack isn’t that bad, but emergency ones make it a cluster fuck.

The glitch isn’t even that useful. If you have cold blooded on, it basically doesn’t have any effect on you.

Tell you what, I hated on the M16 for awhile. Never liked it in MW1. Used it last night with stopping power. Shit is BEAST. Went 39-2 on Afghan.

Someone please help me put down the heartbeat sensor. Need an intervention (not the rifle) over here.

Vlad from now on we have to be on the same team. Shit. Even tho i know how you play some how you still seem to knife me from behind or snipe me across a map shit is WACK.

Im actually hooked on it right now.

I try not to play with Vlad at all because we end up playing super pro Prestige level 1000s whenever he’s in the party and I get my poo pushed in.

Remember, Jesse actually only wants to play with noobs so he can flex his MW2 muscles.


I feel the love.

Question of the day, what’s more beneficial fork perk 2 slot.

Cold blooded v. Stopping Power.

Depends on the match being played if you are playing core then stopping power cause you dont have to unlaod two clips into someone to kill them. Coldblooded for hardcore IMO.

Depends what you’re playing Vlad.

Hardcore: Cold Blooded
Everything non-hardcore IMO, stopping power.

I disagree, I think per match CB will save you average of 5 lives, by not being seen by UAV, hit by predators or other kill steaks b

Stopping power is nice, but I doubt it let’s you get 5 more kills. Typically if I shoot somebody I kill them.

To each his own.


I played on my buddies account last week (still noob status), and it was like stealing candy from babies. It actually got to the point where it wasn’t very fun actually.