Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

I’m too cheap to buy another game.

Nice weather is here anyways.

Well guys who play on ps3 send me friend request my name on there is drift350z or i think drift-350z but the line is all the way at the bottom lol

Sent you a request. Probably wont play right this second, but later. What other games do you have?

bad company 2

I played BC2 the other night.

Wasn’t all that impressed.

It’s cool and has some new features but overall it didn’t get me hooked.

I enjoy the deathmatch feel of MW2.

I should have never bought BC2. I haven’t even touched MW2 since. The gameplay, realism of BC@ far exceeds MW2 IMO. The kill are much more rewarding and the gameplay pushes you to do more than just kill people.

BTW, there is deathmatch play on BC2.

Yeah I truly miss the DM aspect. Still not sold on BC.

Should be getting my xbox back within a week or so but I have a feeling no one plays anymore. =(

I’m still on it.

I was playing for a couple hours lastnight with one of my buddies.

We got this one guy on there so irate. The shit he was saying was unreal.

i play it every night i can im working on my weapon challenges

Xbox should be back within a week!!!

I still play every night, or just about! OppieMKIII

Yeah me and a buddy play quite a few nights a week, doesnt get old lol.

My tag is ALLGO5OH(idk if i put it here before). If ya send me a request just lemme know who the hell ya are, I hate not knowing who Im playing with and feeling like an asshole for not knowing the names lol

I’ll send you guys requests once I get the box back.

I even got an iPhone app which tells me when my xbl friends are online.

I’m baaaaack.

Racking in the titles and medals.

Seems like a lot all of the casual users started playing the new game so is left is noobs and veterans. Fun combo!

I got in a game with you lastnight and I was on the other team. You got me like 5 times and I was getting sooooooooooooo pissed.

How did I miss you guys?

What time are you usually on?

generally between 7-930 PM is when i’m on.

Vlad ill be on around 8 tonite hit me up if your on its been awhile

I’m usually on around 10:45 till about midnight when I play. I play just about every night, but sometimes I play guitar instead. Depends on my mood.

Thank you PJB