Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

:tongue Yea… I thought that as I re-read. I can’t help it. His writing style has inspired me.

another new map pack is suppose to be released on june 3rd. 5 new maps

I didn’t even buy the old one because I wasn’t sure if they were worth it.

worth it. do it

I thought it was going to be if you had bought the first map pack you would be included for 2 new maps being released at a later which is suppose to be in June?

It’s only worth it because they took the 2 maps from Modern Warfare 1 and brought them over. The 2 new one’s are terrible.

I didnt hear anything abouth them including to more from a later pack. I like the new maps except 1 but they take getting use to. A couple of them are pretty large. The 3 new maps arent bad and the 2 reused maps from MW were a good choice except overgrown I never liked that board

Can anyone provide more insight on whether the new map pack is worth it?
Been debating buying it- anyone pay for it yet?

If you like overgrown and crash from MW 1, buy it.

Don’t waste your money! Just buy BC2!


been playing MW2 a little bit more lately even tho i have an extreme hatred for the game.

gamertag is mcquiddle tots.

If I wasn’t so cheap, I’d buy this.

Being broke FTL


For anyone that is on Steam; PORTAL is FREE till the 24th!

I like the new maps. Its a nice change and more variety. I only dont like overgrown but I didnt like it in the 1st MW game

F that, I just realized where the better game play is. Blowing up… Everything FTW.

The online game modes in BC2 are lacking

Not a fan of BC2 no matter what.

After playing BC2 and playing mw2 much later on it seemed like it was on roids and fast mode on. Quick gameplay ftw.

Thats because youre a camper and the maps are huge in BC2. :slight_smile:

BC2 > MW2.

I haven’t camped since last decade.

At 850 headshots out of 1000 with m16 and about 10000 kills with it.