call out on quiks truck

sorry not coming up east bumfuck to run ya and not doing it on a highway, sorry i dont roll race

on street tune for 93, if you cant make power on 93 dont waste my time. i run soley 93 why cant others…oh wait they are boosted

boosted fags stick together

he called me out he comes to my terms!!!

oh yea pussy, i get called out at midnight so i automatically need to go to east bumfuck to run a peon :rolleyes:

u used to all the time? Y not now? I hitnk u are faraid,plain and simple,if ur not going to run then shut up and let,s get this thread locked becasue it is a waste of someones time whp actuallt wants to run their vehicle and not sit behind a weak win to a girl driving a lightning and a POS so called 600 hp car.So either lock it or run!:lockd:

be a man and tune for 93. normal cars run on pump gas

saliors section

yea thats right your high 15 slip when you ran it that day as for crack look over to the side of you

you dont even have a car that runs so why are you in this section? and its not even 24hrs since he made this post. i said find me at a track or for him to get a slip first

whens the last time i drove somewhere far to race besides the track? futherst i remember was J&L

you are such a douche bag. look over to the side of me? care to fill me in on what that means faggot?

YOU ARE NOT A GOD, no reason to try to act like one

dont try to be god but you guys think i act like it so i might as well act worst. you said crack im sure you can find crack around you. calling me a faggot now thats funny shit

Thats funny,what is in my garage that i am about to go clean? hmm…could it be my GTP? U know nothing much do u? And as i recall u ahve gone many places to run em :nuts: :crying: :crying: So stop contradicting urslef and shed the:crying: out of your eyes and put up or shut the fuck up

you do act like it.

please explain ole wise devon and tell me where i drove to race someone besides J&L or the track

NI,that ttinme with cheeks,JJ’s that one time,UT b4 and so on…keep living in ur own fantasie world o great ghetto one

its cool

Why does he have to run on " your terms" and second if you “were” confident in your truck you would run him because you are the best driver ever and his terms would not matter… Right

it’s not good enough for a 11 second pass IF YOU DONT" MAKE AN 11 SECOND PASS.

i fucking hate that shit…

x2 run what u brung,fuck that 93 tune shit

that time with cheeks? that was on a way to jerrys not a true race setup, when did i run down UT? as for ghetto sorry no ghetto status here that might be yuor punk traydogg

cause i said so, he wants me he goes off my terms