call out to Integra owners...

4.10,s stock 10 bolt = bad news esp on a stick …save and get a dana or moser

the civic trapped 128 iirc. and jones cant turn up the boost. its been running 9psi (spring) for the past 4 years. and the job comment wasnt focused toward you. point is, brians car is a feather compared to yours and he makes the same power as you. like i said good luck.

current tune it goes 128. when first picked up the car wasnt running like it does now.

i wasnt aware of that. if thats the case maybe a re run is in order for the civic and the camaro.

Why waste either of their time?, sounds stupid to me.

yah…we all know his SI is faster then my car.

no point we were out in the S4 one night when people were running. S4 vs camaro, S4 pulled. then S4 vs Civic… civic walked away… thats good enough for me.

Smoking get some gears/rear end for that pig

the civic is DEFF faster. no if ands or buts

im trying lol

fucking broke right now.

Yea its a costly purchase but well worth the money

remember, i was in the car. both of you were so adament about not having a passenger(pete) so we had a car load. you guys did well though for taking the initial hit.

this is the video toegaythisdbsucks needs to see

nick could not hear the beeping.

that was from the 40 roll I believe…that hit I was spinning.

yeah yeah yeah. chris and i, along with the rest of the turbo hondas spin, you bark the tires.

actually it spins pretty bad. Why? I have no idea…my car sucks

hence the sarcasm. basically youll see a similar result from the blue da. despite the longer gears its still similar power with less wieght. end of story.

you need to dial in, do you have adjustable shocks?

STFU with all this bench racing, the last four damn pages.