call out to Integra owners...

did you stop and interogate him?:lol


yah in my dads dump truck.


haha OWNED

What are you talking about here?? My friends were pulled over and me and another car pulled into a gas station that was CLOSED. Clearly me or the white integra did NOT run you… how many people were with you that night at HESS to see that I didnt even see your shit on the highway?? The ZR1 wanted to race me to feel good about him self and ill give em a job well done about beating an “old ass thing” as you guys call it. Why would we make shit up about something that never happend? If you really think were talking about beating your BALLER ass ride that you talk so highly of you must feel good about your self. We could give a shit LESS about you or your car.

I don’t CARE what shift thinks of my car or anything… I have NOTHING to prove to any of you. If i was to build my car for what other people wanted it to be then I would of.

Smokin, If you want to call me out fine… I asked if I could get a shot at the SS from a 60 roll and you said… “never. your not cool enough” so im taking this thread as your call out to me. Let’s set this up.

Your car is sick.

Hang on, let me grab you a saddle.

LOL cry me a fucking river…

Im going by what the guy at the Hess station told me. He said two young kids with Integra’s were in there saying they beat me. The only Integra I have ever raced was that black one thats on video, that I beat.

I was kidding about the 60 roll and your not cool enough thing. But if you want to play we can do it. I will yank your “blue thing” all day long…but were going from a 20-30 roll, 60 is rediculous.

you can bring your 2 fast 2 furious clan too. I will yank them too.

The 302whp integra was from a 50. Why won’t you meet me at 50mph then?

50 was the slowest he would go.

If you want to run me, we will do it from a 30. It takes all of 4 seconds to go from 50-100.

100mph courtesey!



You even said it your self you would yank my shit all day so…

doing 150 if your car is like asking to die. Cant be very safe

fuck, if you will go 150 I know you will go faster.


I won’t go lower then 50 unless I get my 60-165

30-130. No traction isn’t the Camaro driver’s fault.

whys that?? your Vtec only kick in at 50?


hahaha damn your funny!!! if you can yank me all day why not give me what i want?

put some slicks or something on then and do the 30.

fine, I will do you 50 or 60, hell we might as well just go from a 100 and you give me my 20-30.

maybe throw a dig run or two in there as well.